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Security : No cheaters ! Punk Buster ?


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PunkBuster doesn't catch every cheats there are. Trust me I've seen some and there's nothing we could do (we = everybody else playing on that server).


As for anti-cheat for JK2? I herd the Q3 engine is pretty good for anti cheaters. But I'm not sure about this. I'll need someone to back up me...please? :D

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I don't know about cheating in Q3, but Elite Force (made by Raven) has hardly any cheating going on. There are some accusations of certain people cheating, but no proof. So I'm thinkin JK2 will be even better.

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Q3 tech does some checks on the client to reduce the likelihood of cheating. For instance, Q3 tech supports the 'pure server' concept. At login, a pure server checks the client pak file. If the client pak file does not match the requirements for a 'pure' pak file (i.e., it is altered), the client is not allowed to play on the pure server.


This doesn't prevent the use of aim bots, however, which are separate applications.


Of couse in q3 tech you can also run a 'non-pure' server if you want to allow for mods.


Punkbuster currently supports Half-Life and some of its more popular mods, such as Counterstrike. Although the Punkbuster FAQ states that the developers may move to support Quake3 and Unreal Tournament.


[ July 05, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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I really hope JK2 will be hard to crack out of the box, and Raven releases patches to plug holes. Nothing ever hurt the JK community like proliferation of .cogs.


If you host a game on the zone, you have a very high chance becoming the target of some ******* with clown hax.


It's not just the random newbie gamecrasher, it's hard to fight in a tourney when you know the person could be cheating. WoW is pretty gay, it's full of hackers and laggers. I remember serveral times when some one was cought hacking/cheating in a match.


As for those of... advanced skill. It's hard to convince a newbie that no, we arn't cheating. Lately I've been catching an unsually high number of people using subtle cheats to seem like "one of the elites."


It may take one of us to solve the problem further. Even know I'm very gratefull to the writer of the JKHKH. The anit hack patches were nice to, but in time they were cracked.


Bottem line is, the server based netcode will eliminate the lag cheats. The pure server concept will eliminate almost all of the client side cheats. As for the aimbots, well I would like to see something done about them.

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Guest Kurgan

Well a cheater can just "fade" you (ie: make you die instantly, over and over again, repeatedly), while you can't move or type (delete). Those are perhaps the worst cheats out there, because they totally shatter any point that the game has when they do that.


Thankfully those were the first cheats that Kicker Helper eliminated (and allowed us to rename people who used ascii combinations to avoid being kicked).


Invulernability is pretty lame, but it's nothing compared to the other cheats a person can use if they just want to screw up the game and piss people off. ; p




[ July 09, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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