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Multiplayer Maps

Guest Vagabond

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Raven <U>must</u> have a look at Unreal Tournament, Counter-Strike and of course... JK & MotS maps.


MY fav in UT are:

-Morpheus (deathmatch)

-Facing Worlds (CTF)

-Gothic (deathmatch)



-dust (terrorist must plant a bomb. Counter-terrorist my prevent it, or disarm it)

-dust2 (bomb)

-inferno (bomb)

-oil rig (escort VIP to safety)

-high rise (bomb)


JK & MotS

-blades of death

-all the movie maps (but I ask that the weapons and etc be better placed and balanced)

-hum... memory blank.

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Raven members are obviously gamers...so I have no doubt that they will look at other successful multiplayer maps and try to take what they can from them. Does anyone know about SOF and EF's multiplayer maps? How were they or did those games even have mp modes? This could give us a good idea of the quality of maps we would be getting.



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Well, I'm assuming we can expect similar, if not a bit better levels from RAVEN. I mean, this is the biggest game they have ever worked on. You'd think they would put more effort into it than any other title to date...right?



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i hope they create new DM levels, but carry over the organic feel and rolling hills of BGJ to other sabering levels. Flat and blocky levels sets the standard for the movie style dueling which I really don't see possible in online games for awhile. Per se you need to make levels that are designed for WASD(movement) based play. In FF the organic and rolling design of BGJ allowed near countless force speed+force jump possibilites. Sabering only levels = curved terrain is the way to go.


For guns I hope for open levels that offer varying degrees of attack. Levels that put everyone on the same floor tend to get boring after awhile. Levels that give you room to run and give u various top levels to fight for control of produces a sort of play that people keep coming back for. Oasis offered this, Q3DM17 offered this, and so on.


I'm having trouble describing the yardstick that any good DM level is measured by, because the proper words and descriptions don't easily come to mind..


As for CTF, the best way to put it: Large Maze-like levels is how to make for advanced team strategy play. The Challenge at Nar Shaddaa is one of the best ctf levels ever. It offered unique team strategies. Hell, a game of 2vs2 Nar Shadddaa to 200 points is usually at least an hour long commitment between two good teams because a good strategy is so neccessary. I don't think I've ever seen a q3 level offer more than grab the flag and haul ass outta there stategy. I'd like to see even larger levels than Nar that support many more players.(Nar would start to get small in 4+ vs 4+ )

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i have the SOF demo, and the MP levels seemed to me to have



many hallway, room, hallway, room type deals. nothing innovative.


weapons placement:

good. they would put high powered weapons either in a place that is hard to reach or a place you are easily seen and picked off from. (eg end of a long narrow hallway, or on top of a bunnch of crates.)


pace/ gameplay:

i think this is where they excelled

the maps my friends and i played on LAN were very entertaining. they had a real nice 'flow' to them, and it was hard to camp any certain spots.



the SOF multiplayer maps are fun but nothing weve never seen over and over before. i hoep JK2's are better.


(btw raven kicks ass hehehe) :eek:

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Hmm, i always thought a rooftops of coursant would be a great lightsaber level. something to the effect of you have to jump from rooftop to rooftop, landing on catwalks, or fire escape-like devices (of course, fire escapes would be too useful many km. in the air). the updrafts of air between buildings could help for longer jumps and softer landings. although if jet packs are included, this could negate some of the fun associated with this level, if i wasnt so terrible with JED i would have worked something out like it already. anybody else feel the same?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Vagabond

That's a great idea, acdcfanbill, and I actually like the idea of jetpacks for non-Jedi classes, since they won't have force jump.


From another angle, the dark, belly of Coruscant would be fun too, where only a dim twilight from the sun above filters down to the alleys and shadows below. Rumors are that unknown creaturs and sub-humans dwell in the dankness below, where people seldom venture. This could be a spooky MP map.


Similarly, on Kashyyyk, Wookies live in the tree tops, and as one progresses down toward the forbidden surface, the creatures become ever more vicious. This could be an interesting setting for a MP map as well.

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Guest Kurgan

I like the idea of fully modeled movie locales (and EU locales) using the pretty engine. ; )


How about Jabba's Palace (inside and out)?


Somebody's idea of the battle over the great pit of Carkoon with floating skiffs (pilotable?) sounded cool.


Forest moon of Endor (with speeders?) ; )


Imperial Throne Room, it was great in MotS.


Duel of the Fates saber dueling scene from TPM.


Nar Shaddaa with it's vertigo inducing visuals, passing ships, scum, and graffitti is something I'd like to see again too. ; )


How about the Emperor's secret cloning facility?


Rebel Base at Hoth?


Lot's of stuff that could be done. Of course I'd love to see lots of high quality CTF maps. Taking a hint from the likes of UT and of course the granduer of the larger two JK CTF maps.



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Guest Vagabond

The number one MP map that I hope to see is Mos Eisley, complete with cantina and docking bays. That's always been my favorite movie locale, and it would just ROCK to play a well done map of it.

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How about a Jabba's sail barge level set in the Tatooine desert above Sarlaac? Just like the movie, they could have One big barge (Jabba's), and a few smaller ones, and u hop from barge to barge, or battle in the big barge. Or slowly be digested over 1,000 years, haha. I can picture it now... Sorry if this was mentioned. If they dont make this(which they prolly wont) u can bet i will!

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