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New E3 video with commentary!


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Ok, just got done watching it.


The saber scorches left on the walls are amazing! I know the first time I play it I'll just run against the walls trying to write stuff. ;)


I absolutely hate the saber glow on the ground. It's just done so cheaply. Hopefully, they'll change it.


I thought they might be cool in the screenshots, but the bright-white flashes may be a little overwhelming when you're hitting sabers so often. I really don't want a headache.


I also thought it was funny how the droid blew apart like it was full of plastic explosives. But I really didn't like it. :)


And I guess the number on the HUD in the bottom-right corner indicates force mana, and man did it replenish quickly! I know, only an early demo, blah blah.... :)


[ June 11, 2001: Message edited by: bsbuckeye21 ]

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You are right, the saber glow is not that good. I also didn't like the way Kyle moved...I can't imagine a possible reason why you didn't like the way that R2 got blown away! ;)

Also saber fights look very simmilar to JK. I don't know if I realy like that...I was looking forward to something more complex.

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Wow, very cool!


I'm glad they haven't forgotten the droids. Yet the explosion was a bit much, hehe. Also, really didn't like all the flashing during the saber fight. Looked more like a light show. Hopefully they'll get that worked out.


Graphics looked awesome though and man pushing those stormies off the side, fun fun fun. CAn't wait.

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That video is awsome, I love the saber battles and how Kyle's friend was taking it to that Dark Jedi even when the LA guy wasn't paying attention and trying to talk to that idiot interviewer. Also the graphics are awsome, but the saber flashes are really bright and they blind you for a second, and that second someone could get a quick stab in, but good effect none the less better than anything JK had. Also the saber movements where awsome, he used saber throw so much though, that might turn into a cheap move in MP, and the glow was strange and the way he ran was funny, kind of like he really wanted to be running to a crapper. BUt none the less the game is shaping up awosome considering its only 3 months into production and everything else looks great. One thing I did notice though was the game play was a lot faster than JK, it could have been because the LA guy was just good and not phased by the stormtroopers, but the game looks like it will be full of fast paced action which will be fun. But I also hope there is some slow paced strategy involved also.


[ June 12, 2001: Message edited by: Dr_Strangelove ]

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Very cool footage. Thanks buckey! Again, the demo level looked like authentic classic Star Wars. Impressive detailing on that level.


The saber flashes were very cool. They wont actually blind the user in-game. Of course in the films there are a lot of these lightsaber flashes. Clearly Raven are paying close attention to source. Good show.


Also, good to see that saber throw appears to be fast and effective.


Looks like the Force Lightning, throw and push are aimed rather than lockon. Saber throw is clearly aimed. Lightning looks like it snap-arcs to a target. The effect is impressive. Hard to tell conclusively from the blurry footage.

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Guest SithSeeD

This video further exemplifies the reasons why this game will kick... butt . I must choose my words carefully to set an example hehe.


All I have to say is "Impressive, most impressive."


SithSeeD :mad:

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The sabre glow on the floor isn't bad at all, what did you expect. It wasn't even a reflective surface, so of course it's going to look like that. I disagree that the saber combat looks like it's from JK, it looks far more complex. The graphics just amaze me, and the sabre trails look just like from the movies. I will have incredible fun with that lightsabre wall scorching feature. Also, the R2 unit's explosion was actually relatively small, nothing to worry about. It also looked a lot easier to use force powers for combat. I loved all the powers that I saw, particularly lightning, and sabre throw. Most powers were very hard to use in JK/MOTS in direct combat. The sabre throw was useless in MOTS. I can't stop the drool running from my mouth. ;)

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Originally posted by Darth Lunatic:

<STRONG>I know the level is only a demo. But did anyone get 'Elite Force' feeling from it? Maybe its just me. I've been playing raven games too much recently!</STRONG>


Yeah, it was a nice video, it streamed nice on my 56k!!, I think they will make it less elite forcish as it becomes more developed.

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Guest Kettch

What Ive seen in the footage, thats AMAZING!


It's almost PERFECT.

I LOVE the FORCE SYSTEM, that is all I ever wanted (The JK Force System Sucks).


Excellent graphics...that dueling at the end was great too!



Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast!



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