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The Moldy Crow

Guest Vagabond

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I remember that SiN level and it was probably the best of the game. Wasn't the objective to blow open the side of a building to get access to the inside? It was some type of bank or something...but anyways, it would be sick if Kyle could do that in JKII. I'm not sure how that would happen with the Moldy Crow except if Kyle was firing from the ramp. Maybe it could happen if Kyle was in a smuggling ship or some kind.



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Heres a mission for ya,


you and Ms. Orrs where captured in the previous missoin, Objective: Escape the cell and find your way to the Crow (or whatever the hell it will be.) This way you'll have to protect Jan even tho shes armed with maybe a Han Soloish gun and isn't all that bad w/ it. Any way it'll be your basic she dies game over ordeal.

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Originally posted by Wilhuf:

<STRONG>Old Man Jenkins, I knew it had to be him! I'm getting BA Baracus over here to handle da foo. Or is it Old Man Jenkin's evil Galactic Twin?


[ June 14, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]</STRONG>


Either I'm missing something, or Wilhuf's finally lost it! :)

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Guest Vagabond

Scooby Doo, man, Scooby Doo. Every show ended with Scooby and the gang unmasking the villain, and it was always Old Man Jenkins. And every time he says, "And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!" Typically the plot had the villain running around in various monster/ghost costumes in the hopes of scaring away the locals so the villain could buy up their property below cost and make away like a bandit.


Probably an American thing ;)

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Guest Vagabond

Although I don't have cable, I believe if you did you could watch reruns on the Comedy Channel or maybe the Cartoon Network. Scooby and the gang, with their groovy 60's thing going on were always fun for me. Even Fred cracks me up - what's with the scarf man? :)


But anyway, like the Mystery Machine is to Scoob (the nickname for Scooby) and the gang, so too should the Crow be to Kyle. His mobile base of operations.

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Hey Vagabond, I hear they are writing the scarf into the movie, yeah it turns out they have updated the story from:


Typically the plot had the villain running around in various monster/ghost costumes in the hopes of scaring away the locals so the villain could buy up their property below cost and make away like a bandit



To: Now the plot has old man Jenkins becoming the local drug dealer and the scarf covers up all the injecting marks Fred has on his neck. Guess its still an Amerrican thing. hehehe


WAIT, I liked Fred! Nooooooo, what have I done... (runs off a jibbering mess)

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I suspect the cadre of JKO's Dark Jedi will find a lucrative career in claim jumping.


You see, their racket is that they use the 'Dark Jedi Technology' to scare away local prospectors from a large spice mine they found. The use a Force hologram projector to make realistic and frightening apparitions, such as Krayt dragons, landslides, volcanoes and earthquakes. Enough to scare away any prospector. And it leaves the spice all for them.


And they would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for that meddling Kyle.

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well, in some home made mission, the crow was fixed, and back on tatoonie with jan, only she had lost her memory, i think it was the BoaM series, which were nearly, if not as good as LEC levels, of course, no one has to respect what some of these authors put out, but in sure was an interesting idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Vagabond

We've already talked about this, but the more I think about it, they more I'd really like to walk around inside the Moldy Crow. Let's imagine.


You walk into the hangar, and see the Crow sitting there at its berth. You approach, and see the lowered boaring ramp, and cautiously make your way inside the dimly lit hull. Standing in the entry way, the soft murmur of electronics hums throughout the ship, as you notice the subtle odor of reactor fuel permeating the ship. You reach out and touch the soft rubber pads lining the passage ways - they're cool to the touch, much like the atmosphere in the ship. Following the guide-lights along the deck, you make your way into the cockpit, mesmerized by the cluster of lighted instruments, displays, and controls. Looking through the canopy, you gaze at hangar outside, and smile to yourself.

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You walk into the hangar, and see the Crow sitting there at its berth. You approach, and see the lowered boaring ramp, and cautiously make your way inside the dimly lit hull. Standing in the entry way, the soft murmur of electronics hums throughout the ship, as you notice the subtle odor of reactor fuel permeating the ship. You reach out and touch the soft rubber pads lining the passage ways - they're cool to the touch, much like the atmosphere in the ship. Following the guide-lights along the deck, you make your way into the cockpit, mesmerized by the cluster of lighted instruments, displays, and controls. Looking through the canopy, you gaze at hangar outside, and smile to yourself.</STRONG>

....then you set you blaster down, and it goes off be accident. the bolt striks one of your fuel slug tanks, and causes your Jedi senses to stir. You yell at Jan, and dive out the door with super-speed to hide behind a rock before the fuel escapes and ingites on your dropped, lit cigarette (shouldnt Kyle smoke? he looks like a smoker to me, it just fits the part). Your ship explodes in a shower of metal, flames and Jan. As soon as you wipe your beard of Jan's innards, you set out on the mission.


...of course the ship you were on might not have to be the Covered-in-Mold Crow, it could be some junker, and now your forced to work you way across planet and find another ship, and maybe a co-pilot...


or, maybe not...


[ June 28, 2001: Message edited by: acdcfanbill ]

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Guest Vagabond

(rolls eyes)


Just then, Kyle snaps out of his flash-back, and returns to the present, again admiring the hangar from inside the cockpit of the Moldy Crow.

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