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Levels and Maps...for SP,MP


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Playing Elite Force and Quake III I notice most map are just long corridors and medium size areas, will they design maps like ie: JK Lvl "Jedi Training Gound" with high plateau to utilize "Force Jumps".What would you like to see made and why?

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Variety is a necessity. They really need to mix it up, especially considering there's your two main styles of play, guns and sabers.

Small little arenas for a slaughter fest, and huge mazes for the good ol' hunt! :D


But it's in good hands, Raven know what needs to be done... ;)

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I love eye candy. I like maps with lots of visual landmarks so that they are easily memorized, but maps that still contain little hidden areas and hiding spots. I would like to see maps with some animated textures, moving objects, plateaus, balconies, open spaces and corridors. The borg map that came with the Elite Force demo was enjoyable.

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Guest ZeroXcape

I agree that secret areas are great for SP levels. Since we already know that there are going to be some impressive outdoor levels, I'm hoping that the balance will spawn a ton of good MP maps.

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well, i think i already said this somewhere, but having a courscant level would be cool. in full effect with huge buildings, beggers, half-animal beasts, constantly flying ships (better than those tie's in the first MotS mission), skyhooks, and anything else you can think of. jumping rooftops on imperial center is something I thought would be cool.


*oh and maybe a jet pack would be a help in those long flights.


[ July 12, 2001: Message edited by: acdcfanbill ]

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Personally I like open outdoor levels like Tribes. Those levels are really cool because you can have open areas, confined spaces, and you could also add interactive things too like planes or trees. :D:D


[ July 13, 2001: Message edited by: C.H.A.S. ]

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I would like to see vehicles. E.g.: Swoops, speeder bikes, skyhoppers, landspeeders, airspeeders, snowspeeders, heck even an AT-ST would be cool to drive!


For SP, I hope to see a mission with multiple friendlies. It's cool to have allies. I hope their AI will be better than MotS's friendlies, though...(i'm talkin about the first mission)

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I think a cool mp level would be "Naboo Palace." It would have vast open rooms with pilars to hide behind in some of them. It would also have balconies so you could extend the fight outside. Also, they could impliment a grappling hook which would be consistent with the movies. Grappling hooks were great in quake 2, I don't understand why more games aren't coming with one or being modified to have one. But anyways, a Naboo Palace level would have great possibilities.



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where are you going to find naboo though? ive heard rumors that naboo is sickly twisted into dagobah by some sith or something....and by the time KK comes around, it should be long gone...

it is just a rumor though

(but it makes sense, naboo is in outer rim, so is tatooine, they are both WAY out there...think about it)

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That rumor must be false or else every map of the Star Wars Universe is incorrect. The map I am looking at (from The New Jedi Order series) shows that Dagobah along the Rimma Trade Route in the Outer Rim while Naboo is located along the Correlian Run in the Mid Rim. I suppose that you could say they are *near* each other, but they are still many lightyears away. Think about how Coruscant was not mentioned at all in the original trilogy even though it is the capital and arguably the most important world (true the ROTJ SE did show the celebration at Coruscant at the end but that was a later addition). The same could be with Naboo...simply overlooked except with a valid reason: Lack of importance at that part of the story. Anyways, it seems to contradict the EU 100% if indeed Naboo becomes Dagobah. Plus, who says the maps have to be consistant with the time of Kyle?



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All's I recall is that C-3PO says "naboo" in ROTJ. On Endor. I assume it's part of the ewok language for whatever reason.


If Naboo is Dagobah...where is the palace? If I were Yoda...I sleep there as opposed to a cave. :)

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