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What about the mouse


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now i havent played elite force, or Q3, so i dont know how their mouse systems work, but i am hoping that JKII will have many, many, many mouse functions. so that i will be able to use all five mouse buttons, and have dbl or maybe even trpl clicking, for some functions.


a thing that annoyed me about the mouse in JK was being able to set three buttions. since i have a five buttion mouse i would like to be able to bind many functions to the mouse. i like to set fire 1 to the left, and force jump to my 3rd button/wheel, and reg jump to right button. with the three spots JK gives me filled up, i have no where to put fire2. if i could set it to dbl click left button, that would be nice, cause then your seecond saber swing is a split second away, rather than moving my left hand to get to it.


being able to bind more than one force power to a button, by dbl, or trpl clicking would be really nice to me. and with the new saber system they impliment, its supposed to have a lot of saber moves, haveing multiple mouse functions would seem helpful to me. using dbl or even trpl clicking for things other than force powers, might be couter-productive because it would take a while to trpl click, but for a force power, it wouldnt be too bad, just click twice and hold down if you need to aim it, and away you go.


has anyone else longed for more mouse functions, or have recent games already addressed this problem?

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everyone has the optical, i hate it, its too small and isnt contoured for hands...

the explorer is a lot better, at least, i think so

hey, if you do have an intellipoint bill, you can bind the one on the left (or the bigger one if its an explorer) to do your bidding as well, but it really shouldnt be completely necessary, anyway, if you dont have one of those mouses, let me recommend you buy them, especially for jk2, cuz with most new software, (unlike JK) you set the BUTTON to the key, not the key to the button (so if there is a new button it can be used) :D heh...HL was made around the same time as JK...since they used the q2 engine you bind the button to the key, anyway, ive elaborated a bit more than id planned, see ya

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everyone has the optical, i hate it, its too small and isnt contoured for hands...

the explorer is a lot better, at least, i think so

hey, if you do have an intellipoint bill, you can bind the one on the left (or the bigger one if its an explorer) to do your bidding as well, but it really shouldnt be completely necessary, anyway, if you dont have one of those mouses, let me recommend you buy them, especially for jk2, cuz with most new software, (unlike JK) you set the BUTTON to the key, not the key to the button (so if there is a new button it can be used) :D heh...HL was made around the same time as JK...since they used the q2 engine you bind the button to the key, anyway, ive elaborated a bit more than id planned, see ya

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I have the optical too, but Im having problems with it

The right side button stopped working, I hope its not a hardware problem Id be doomed in that case, because my mother bought it in the US

Anyone has had this kind of problem?

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i recently had trouble with my explorer too (yes, it is the expensive/grey one)

umm...my best advice would be to contact microsoft tech support and find out what your problem is...worst case scenario would probably be, get another mouse shipped to...chile? ooh, sorry might be more trouble than its worth...well, i hope i helped a bit

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Q3 and Elite Force tech lets you tweak several mouse parameters:


cl_mouseAccel "0" toggle the use of mouse acceleration the mouse speeds up or becomes more sensitive as it continues in one direction


m_filter "1" toggle use of mouse "smoothing"


m_forward "0.25" set the back and forth movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves


m_pitch "0.022" set the up and down movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves


m_side "0.25" set the strafe movement distance of the player in relation to how much the mouse moves


m_yaw "0.022" set the speed at which the player's screen moves left and right while using the mouse


So, as you can see, Q3 tech actually has mouse support that is easily on par with the original JK.


(thanks Commander Keen's Quake3 Arena Console Page)

also bindable are: mouse1, mouse2, mouse3, mwheelup and mwheeldown

(thanks The Bind Arena)


Maybe Raven will expand q3 mouse support for more than 3 mouse buttons.


[ July 14, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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Logitec, yeecch! i may have bad luck, but all my logitec mouses were junk! so i decieded to bite the bullet, and fork over the fifty bucks for a microsoft intellipont optical mouse. boy was i happy with it! all my buttons work, and i love the foward/back internet explorer buttons on the sides. so, anyway, i cant really comment about these mouse problems, because i havent encountered any...


but as to expanding from three buttons, i hope they do!! because that would make force powers much more accesable, and quick to use.


[ July 14, 2001: Message edited by: acdcfanbill ]

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Ok, first thing I want to say is that I really don't like the MS mice. I use the Boomslang 2000 for games and the Logitech Cordless Optical for windows. I like both of them. And I have never had any trouble with my logitech mice. But when you say that you gave up and forked over $50 for a MS mouse, I have to wonder, did you ever try the expensive Logitech mouse? It also costs $50. You can't really compare the cheap Logitech mice to MS's top-of-the-line mouse.

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Ill try reinstalling it and if that doesn solve it I guess Ill contact tech support as you said

I hope I can fix it. If its a hardware problem maybe I would try opening it but the damn thing is sealed

Anyone knows if the button can be pulled out like you can do with the keyboard keys?

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My mouse is the intellimouse optical. It is basicly the same as the Explorer but it fits perfectly for right and left handed users. However one button (depending on which hand you use) will be quite ackward to use. In Counter-Strike I have uses for every button.


#1(left button)- fire (first weapon function)

#2(right button) - 2nd function (like add silencer)

#3(pressing down on the wheel) - reload

#4(left side of mouse) - use

#5(right side of mouse) - select grenade

#6(wheel up) - next weapon

#7(wheel down) - previous weapon.

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