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Reloading Weapons


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Definitely want to see some cool reload animations. If memory serves me right, blasters and normal energy pistols run on little energy cells/packs. There will most likely be some heavy weapons that will require the reloading of shells/rockets/missiles/big stuff. Definitely looking forward to that.

However, the Imperial repeater rifle could be a weapon without the need to reload clips. It is a chaingun, right?

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Heck , If JK 2 ends up being like SWAT 3 then you know you're gonna get wasted by the Stormtroopers either when you run out of ammo and have to replace the clip, or when you just killed a platoon of 'em and "Speed Reload (A.K.A.:Tactical Reloading)".


Either way, you're still as good as dead if you don't have the Lightsaber



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  • 4 weeks later...

ya, i loved the reloading in Outlaws, sure it was way to fast for a six shooter, and you never ejected spent brass, but it still was pretty cool. as for powercells in blasters, they never had a shot limit either, they only have settings like full, low and critical, from what i remimber. so who knows how many shots are in a cell anyway, maybe its 500, maybe its twenty, who knows. but i agree, there should be some sort of clip/powercell reloading feature. event though this will clutter up the HUD a little. it just gives it a little more realism (like you could add a lot to the SW universe).

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Guest Krayt Tion

Reloading in JK2 would be sweet. Over the past year I've leaned more heavily towards games where you must reload most of the weapons. It breaks up the pace of the game just the way I like it. Less of a crazy gib fest and more of a calculated style of play. I'm plenty fast, but limited clips and reloading prevents the smart person from spraying with impunity and usually making their shots count more.


Who's Faster is boring to me. I've been playing Who's Faster for too many years. I want to see Who's Smarter instead as well as who is fast, and limited clips and reloading help this happen.

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it adds realism, sure, but how real is SW anyway? back to reloading, how about reloading dbl weapons? i many games (that i've played containg dbl weapons) the reload time for single and double weapons are nearly equal, as far as i can tell. reloading dbl should take at least twice as long, cause you gotta free up one hand to pull out the clip, stuff in a new one, and then switch hands, and do it all over again. i know it would be annoing, but it would add realism, and help balance the guns powers.

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I don't like reloading it never appealed to me to much and for all the people out there that want it because it looks cool remember in many games reloading is basically the person bringing the gun out of your sight and a split second later returning it full of ammo. Real Cool


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