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Kyle's saber handle - too long?


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It's a bit long but on the other hand if you, for example, look at the first 3 SW movies and then compare the lightsabers from those movies to the ones seen in SW: TPM you'll see that in TPM the lightsaber appear to be a bit longer, although that could be just me. :)

So in other words i dont think i mind the fact that the 'hilt' might be a bit longer.

Whats more is the fact that you'll be able to better see the movements and stuff when you wield 'it'.(<--lets not twist that last bit around ok :D )

I always felt/still feel that it was a shortcoming in JK that you really didnt see the lightsabers 'hilt' all to clearly.....but that was/is my personal view on that, i cant speak for anyone else obviously. :)

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I agree; the sabre hilt does appear a bit large, though it could just be Kyle's grip. Either way, I think the abilty to see the hilt better does make the sabre appear a bit more...graceful? It creates more of a classic sword fight feel, reminiscent of asian sword arts.

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this may sound like me being my normal wannabe-comical self here, but im being serious. this may not be the most graceful of comments, but its a possibility.



fighting with an unactivated saber. the extra long handle could be just like a policemans extra long flashlight. more than 1 purpose.


i mean, lets face it, the saber may be graceful, but its not the most quiet weapon is it?


i mean.... you want to sneak up on a couple of stormies and kill em.


[scenario 1:]


ST1 :"Damn I hate these deathstar vending machines. Always chewing up my imperial credits"


ST2 :"Yeah I know ay....."


Kyle's Saber Ignites: *bsssssssstttttttt*


ST1 :"Hey, did you hear that?"


ST2 :"Yeah I did. Sounds like the noise from a jedi lightsaber. I remember it so vividly. Remember when we had to watch those videos on 'Jedi Encounter Safety' back when we joined the empire? It sounds dead like that! I just know it is.... Now what did the video say to do in that situation.... ummmmmmm"


ST1 :"Shoot the Jedi?"


ST2 :"Yeah!"


*ST1 and ST2 turn around and kill kyle*


[/scenario 1:]



[scenario 2:]


ST1 :"Damn I hate these deathstar vending machines. Always chewing up my imperial credits"


ST2 :"Yeah I know ay....."


Kyle creeps up on the stormies, not igniting his saber.


ST1 :"Gee it's so quiet here. It's so quiet I think I'd be able to hear a sneaking jedi"


ST2 :"Hahaha, yeah right man. You wish. Besides, we're sector A2-23 guards, for life..... As if we're ever going to meet a jedi.... pfffft, you're crazy man..."


ST1 :"I guess you're right.... I mean, I don't even know why I joined. I knew I'd be stuck somewhere like this...*Kyle creeps closer* I just we we got to see some action now and then, ya know? *Kyle bring his blunt saber handle slowly above the head of his unsuspecting victim* It's such a boring life. You know, I haven't seen my wife in 15 ye...*WHACK!*


ST2 :What the hell what that noise man? Stop foolin round, you scared the sh...*WHACK!*


Kyle :*snicker snicker snicker*.....Ooh, a vending machine! Hey, they've got some pertty cool stuff! Rancor bites..... Jar Jar Jawbreakers..... Chewbacca chews..... Darth Maul Delight..... Mace Windu Mints.....Kenobi Kremes...... Solo Surprise...... Palpatine-Brand Pretzels...... Jawa Jellybeans..... Tusken Truffles..... Ewok Energy Drink..... Mara Jade Mixed Jubes....... Sith Swizzle Sticks (double ended!)...... Skywalker Style Soya Snacks! mmmmmmm so many to choose from! *drools*"


ok this has gone on long enough....


[/scenario 2:]



you get my point though...... well maybe you dont....



i guess what im trying to say it, we could have the saber handle as a weapon to replace fists...... i mean, beating someone to death with a metal shaft is more feasable than a wimpy fist fight, right?


:) *sigh*

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LOL, nice one. Although I think scenario would go a little more like this :D:


Kyle ignites his saber *bssssssst*


ST1: Did you hear something?


ST2: Yeah, it sounded like a lightsaber!


Both stormies drop to one knee and draw their blaster. As they see the dark silhouette of the cloaked Jedi and his humming blade, they open fire but the blade expertly deflects every blast before it can do any harm. Deflected bolts hit each of the stormtrooper square in the chest and they fall to the floor.




Or perhaps, :D a little on the funnier side, this time, there's no need for a saber:




Kyle suddenly walks up behind the two stormtroopers waiting at the vending machine.


Kyle: Greetings, my white-armoured friends


ST1 & 2: What the...! *draw their weapons*


Kyle: *waves hand* you won't hurt me. You will give me your weapons and buy me some Yoda-Cola.


ST1 & 2: We won't hurt you. We will buy you a midichlorian-enriched Yoda-Cola to strengthen you in your battle against the empire. It was an honor not to be sliced by you.

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I dont think it matters how long the handle is. Its just as long as Kyle needed it to be when he built it. Remember, no two lightsabers are the same...they are custom built by the user to their specifications. Actually, in JK i thought the handle was a bit short, kyles hands are obviously bigger than Rhans :p

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ok, if thoe stormtroopers have that much time to talk between ingition, and death, then kyle deserves to be shot. it should be like this...


[scenerio 1(revised)]

ST1: 'so, whatdda ya want?'

ST2: 'i dunno, you?'


(shhhtt) lightsaber ignition sound


ST1&2: 'what was tha.....'


both Stormtroopers are sliced throught

[/scenerio 1(revised)]


much better, i mean, even a normal person isnt that slow...

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Or how about:


ST1 :"Damn I hate these deathstar vending machines. Always chewing up my imperial credits"


ST2 :"Yeah I know ay....."


Kyle's Saber Ignites: *bsssssssstttttttt*


ST1 :"Hey, did you hear that?"


ST2 :"Yeah I did. Sounds like the noise from a jedi lightsaber. I remember it so vividly. Remember when we had to watch those videos on 'Jedi Encounter Safety' back when we joined the empire? It sounds dead like that! I just know it is.... Now what did the video say to do in that situation.... ummmmmmm"


ST1 :"Duck and cover?"


ST2 :"Yeah! Duck and cover!"

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