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Adjustable Sabers/Saber Options

Ice Man1587246496

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While posting in another topic, I thought of something really cool. What if, during the game setup, or in the options menu, or before a mission, you could pick the type of saber that you set out with. Perhaps, as the game advances, Kyle picks up more sabers, or decides to go throught the delicate procedure of constructing one himself (secret mission to Adega, whattayathink?), then, at the start of missions, you could have a choice of saber. You could choose one which looks the coolest to you. There might even be a special dual bladed saber, huh?


Another cool thing hit me. What if, in the options menu, you could modify the length of the blade. Lightsaber have a function on them which allows the blade's length to be adjusted. Think of it! A miniblade, which would be awesome at stopping blaster fire but not so efficient in close combat...or a long blade, which takes longer to swing, but has a greater range...or just the average medium length blade for your all-around situations. :D Your thoughts?

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Sounds cool, but I'm not sure how well it would go along with the rest of the Star Wars universe...has anyone seen anything like this before? I know the length of blade can be adjusted, I'm pretty sure they adjusted blade lengths in the New Jedi Order in order to kill some of the Vong. I'm not sure about the multiple sabers though...Kyle would need a saber rack in the back of the Moldy Crow and fly an Old Republic flag or something from the back :p



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Personally I think that modified sabers have been far overdone. What happened to the good old days when a simple single-bladed lightsaber was good enough for anyone? People got bored and made double lightsaber style, and the light staff... sigh...

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Guest Boba Rhett

We've had this discussion before, I think it would be really cool if sometime in the game you would have a chance to "upgrade" you saber by perhaps finding/buying anyother crystal or maybe even finding another saber and having one in each hand. :)

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Originally posted by Xeph:

<STRONG>Personally I think that modified sabers have been far overdone. What happened to the good old days when a simple single-bladed lightsaber was good enough for anyone? People got bored and made double lightsaber style, and the light staff... sigh...</STRONG>


<BASEFONT COLOR="Red">Actually I was reading something at the StarWars site and found out that a Duel-Saber is the true Sith Saber. The only reason why Darth Vader had a Single bladed saber was he wasn't a truth Sith Lord. He was originaly trained as a Jedi and Turned dark.

Duel-Sabers arn't because peeps are bored. Its a Sith's true weapond.</BASEFONT>

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Originally posted by SSJ7Viper3k:



<BASEFONT COLOR="Red">Actually I was reading something at the StarWars site and found out that a Duel-Saber is the true Sith Saber. The only reason why Darth Vader had a Single bladed saber was he wasn't a truth Sith Lord. He was originaly trained as a Jedi and Turned dark.

Duel-Sabers arn't because peeps are bored. Its a Sith's true weapond.</BASEFONT></STRONG>








Ok... I'm finally going to get myself banished from the boards... but I'm sorry, I really am sorry, I can't help from commenting on that ridiculous post.


Double bladed sabers came into being because a couple years ago GL or a creative consultant said "hmmm, how can we make this Darth Maul character look cooler, hmmmm... maybe some kind of a gimmick lightsaber??"


that above quote was quite possibly the dorkiest thing I have ever heard... I mean in the great legendary annals of dorkdome that one SINGLE comment is by FAR the top dork comment. It possibly contains the greatest concentrated amount of dorkosity that anyone, anywhere has EVER seen. An entier regiment of role players would have trouble coming up with a comment that lacks anywhere near as much understanding of the difference between fantasy and reality than the above quote.


I mean that comment is the pure essence of "I don't know the difference between fantasy and reality"


didn't these people all used to stick with Star Trek???


[ July 18, 2001: Message edited by: The Wanderer ]

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Hmm...that's pretty interesting. I guess it must be true if starwars.com says that. I guess ALL of the dark jedi in JK were converted then, or GL just decided to do this. I guess that means in Knights of the Old Republic we will see a LOT of light staffs.



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I think they havent said anything about that yet


Lets hope it has


But there should be advantages and disadvantages in using each saber

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Guest ZeroXcape

I'm sure Raven/LEC will release a few bag 'o tricks on us. Even if they don't release a double bladed saber.... someone will make one the first week, and then someone else will perfect it the next.

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Well, it's a nice idea, I can say that. It'd be nice to not only choose the color of your saber, but the general look, length, power, and speed of it as well. Longer Blade = Less Speed, Shorter Blade = More Speed, it has alot of merit but you have to realize that game developers try to make things "balanced", so one weapon doesn't overpower another by so large of a margin that it's the only shiz they use. Of course, it never works out that way in First Person Shooters, so mebbe you can disregard that last part. I am stoned and tired going to bed now.

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The Wanderer is right you know. So starwars.com says 'blah blah hoobie quiggle snarf, hoobie hoobie snarf quiggle blah, true Sith Lords use light staves'. So it just is? You do realize that they made that up just awhile ago because they hadn't had any sith lords in SW yet. So it was an open door and they could in fact add another gimmick saber without changing the SW universe too greatly.

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Of course as has been commented on many other lightsaber posts, the "blade" of a lightsaber is made out of energy and thus weights nothing (or very little). So it would not be practical to be able to adjust the size, because to make it "real" (in the SW universe of course) Raven would have to have the speed the same and smaller blades would be useless.


Also because it is weightless the longer version would be better for blocking and with a small blade you dont have the reach to block some fire.

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I think the slowdown that would be caused by the longer saber would be more from wind resistance or some other type of resistance caused by more surface area.


Now that I think about this, the light staff for true siths is really a stupid idea. The only reason Maul got one was to make him seem more dangerous and cooler to a bunch of people. Now they are taking this and polluting all of the star wars universe!



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Of course this is a kind of fantasy universe so it is plausable to argue that because the saber is made of energy it isnt affected by resistances. But I wont.


I'll just say that I agree with Swoosh, the novelty of the light staff wears off when everyone wants one and it invades the entire SW universe.

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"I mean that comment is the pure essence of "I don't know the difference between fantasy and reality"


Relax Wanderer, after all we are talking about a game based on this fantasy world.

As for the GL and creative consultant thing...can anyone argue? Of course you are right. So what? Doesn't that add one more hypothetical fact in this fantasy world?

Isn't the rest of the SW universe fantasy created by GL and a creative consultant or two?

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double bladed lightsabers werent even invented by GL. i remimber seeing art of some Jedi on tatoonie, riding some animal, and he had a double bladed saber. he had two hilts, with a blade between them, so, i guess it could have been called a triple bladed saber, but i think it was still called a double bladed saber. i dont remimber when i saw this, but i think it was before the Special Edition even. although i have been know to be wrong, probably a lot of the time, but does anyone else remimber this art?

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Originally posted by ZeroXcape:

<STRONG>I'm sure Raven/LEC will release a few bag 'o tricks on us. Even if they don't release a double bladed saber.... someone will make one the first week, and then someone else will perfect it the next.</STRONG>



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