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Training Level??


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Well, you could start with the lightsaber in the first level at Yavin, and Luke could instruct you on the basics. Simple.


You could roundezvous with Luke, who is on a simple Massassi base perimeter patrol. Luke gives you your lightsaber, then you come across some 'dangerous creature' in the forest and have to get medieval with the saber in self defense. Rudimentary, but certainly instructive.


While working your way around the forest perimeter, you meet a few navigational objectives (learning how to use the overhead map. There will be an overhad map, won't there?) Also, you must use the Force (push and pull) to clear obstacles out of your path in order to proceed. You get to Force jump up a steep incline or something, and and Luke explains some of the backstory.


Would make it seem like a mission but would actually be training.

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yes, I'm sure that first 2 levels or so will be Kyles trip to Yavin, but the could always eliminate this and have the training level be his quest for the saber, and meet Luke at the end to train...this way, as wardz pointed out, you could start out with-out going through the game and getting nuked...although, if they plan on making the first few levels "the quest for the saber", then a non ploted training level is a must...unless the have like some sort of flashback or dream sequence to explain the use of the saber during training.....but why even bother

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Sorry Whilhuf, i did not mean to still your thunder with the basics of the idea on starting with luke and the saber...I had typed my last response before you had posted, as Iam at work and did not actually press " post reply" until now, even though I typed it like an hour ago....sorr about that, but yes I agree with this and its a great idea

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Originally posted by Swoosh:

<STRONG>Well, it has been believed that the first few levels will be Kyle's trip to Yavin 4 to get back his saber. This would mean that if we were going to be trained as to how to use the force and lightsaber, that would have to wait until 2 or 3 levels into the game. I believe going that far in a game would first defeat the purpose of a training level and second really break the pace of the game if it was a true training level.</STRONG>


But you are still looking at training as a separate level. The point I was trying to make was that you don't need to make it separate. It can (and in my opinion should) be an integrated part of the gameplay. Wilhuf came up with a feasible suggestion just off the top of his head. There are many other ways it could be done - it's not that difficult to think up a simple first level which would ease players into the game and familiarise them with the controls.


What I don't want to see is a level where I'm just put in some random location while a patronising voice comes through my speakers saying, "press the up arrow key to move forward". Or, "now hold down the shift key and do the same thing. This makes you run". I mean, yawn, yawn. That's the sort of training level that makes me just say "sod this", pull the plug out at the wall and go down the pub. :D

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Guest Kurgan

Hmm.. kind of like the level in Rune. Of course for players who knew what they were doing, the training level was BOOOORING, but maybe if there is an option to skip past it, it would be good (and integrated into the plot).


nullHE'S NOT ALOUD TO PICK ANY LIGHTSABERS AND GO FIGHT.He has to be trained . Only a trained jedi can make himself a lightsaber . You don't pick them up on the street :-]


Tell that to Aurra Sing...



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Originally posted by acdcfanbill:

<STRONG>its doubtful that the controls will be too similar... they will prob have to change it to get the different swings they want...</STRONG>


That's the way it looks...


From the recent <A HREF="http://www.pc.ign.com">PC.IGN.COM</A> preview:

<STRONG>While the lightsaber was prevalent in Jedi Knight, it was often easier just to take out a group of baddies with your blaster since you could go through them fairly fast from a distance. This time around though, you'll want to use your lightsaber a LOT. The controls have really been tightened to give you enough precision to make you feel like you're controlling the combat more actively rather than hitting a button and watching your illuminated blade flail around.</STRONG>


Sounds good to me. :)

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I wonder how theyll make the saber controls


They havent specified anything yet, they only said they have been tightened.Its sure It wont be a glyph like system.Maybe modifier keys for different moves

I hope the next chat is with the JK2 project leader

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They probably dont know what their gonna do with the lightsabre controls yet...otherwise we would have an idea. They'll make sure they know what they are going to do before they release any information. Otherwise they'll get our hopes up like they did for OB1 :rolleyes:

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training level sounds good...

maybe it could be like Tomb Raider and Half-Life

you dont have to go through it, but it helps you get the feel for the controls, yeah, and that way you can skip it if you dont feel like sparring with Luke

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Training levels are annoying if you know how to play the game, or want to learn as you go along. But i think in JK2's case it could be implemented very well like some of the ideas people have had. I personally think it should be part of the story, but its unlikely seeing that Raven usually have them as a seperate option like ST:V EF.

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I like the tomb raider training level idea, it could be at Kyles mansion or something like that, wouldn't Kyle build his own sabre about now ( the first few objectives could be getting the parts and stuff ) and i don't want Luke in it, i like the Star Wars universe but Lukes boring and crappy, Screw Luke, Kyle should do stuff by himself and the other games were good cause it didn't have any main Star Wars Characters and was Original ( except the Storm Troopers and Mara Jade )




Scott :mad:

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Originally posted by Zuckuss13:



I like the tomb raider training level idea, it could be at Kyles mansion or something like that, wouldn't Kyle build his own sabre about now ( the first few objectives could be getting the parts and stuff ) and i don't want Luke in it, i like the Star Wars universe but Lukes boring and crappy, Screw Luke, Kyle should do stuff by himself and the other games were good cause it didn't have any main Star Wars Characters and was Original ( except the Storm Troopers and Mara Jade )</STRONG>


Kyle has a mansion?? I didnt realise. I like the idea of him getting parts, maybe with Luke talking him through it at the same time over an obsticle course.

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how bout a race between you (Kyle) and some AI (Luke) to see who is more ready to "go off onto Jedi missions (SP/MP)

that way we get a glimpse, or rather a good view of how the AI of Outcast will blow previous AIs out of the water!

and at the same time, you get to learn the controls...personally, i would rub up on my saber skills with Luke at least once a day before getting into MP matches ;)

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