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JO Radiant confirmed


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A few questions were left unanswered.. including this one. Oh well... still lots of good questions answered.


So let's see:


No coop,

No levitation,

No drivable vehicles,

No Jar Jar bashing,


amputations, but only in keeping "with the star wars universe" and cross hair in third person.


Interesting (and some work for the mod makers!). Here's hoping...



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I would suggest that EFRadiant and Q3Radiant are not different enough to justify buying Quake3. Although I do recommend Quake3 as a fun game.


Also note that you can download and install Q3Radiant without needing an installation of Quake3. You could use Q3Radiant to edit your Elite Force files.


Or you could try GtKRadiant, another freeware Q3 Editor.

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Originally posted by ZeroAi

Have any of you used both EFRadiant and Q3Radiant?


I'm hoping someone could tell me if they are almost identical or not? I own Elite Force but not Q3, and was wondering if there is such a difference between the Radiants to justify buying Q3?


They are both almost identical. You can create ef maps with q3radiant as well. Q3radiant is a little bit more stable on the rotation part, but on the texturing I prefer EFRadiant. I never used GTKRadiant, but it seems to be quite powerful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have all three, and they're all quite easy to use.

Like he said above, you don't need to buy Q3 to get Q3Radaint, it's availbe at http://www.3ddownloads.com

And yes, they are almost identicial, but Q3Radaint will allow you to turn off Snap To Grid (Which EFRadiant didn't support) and that's pretty much it.

GTKRadiant is almost exactly idectial to Q3, except that the interface look like java.

EFRadaint is bacailly the same but no snap to grid avaible.


I use Q3Radaint personally :)


*fires up map*

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Yeah, EFRadiant is very easy to use.


I picked it up in about a month.

I can't wait for this game, and I think editing it is gonna be a breeze. (mapping, that is) Mostly because Raven is so cool about that kind of stuff. Think we'll get the JK2 .maps? :)




Hey, orekel, what's up? It's Agent007 from the EF BBS. Know of any other EFer's here?

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Originally posted by jesseg88

3D Downloads stinks! They got rid of those files! Use Fileplanet instead!

Yeah, but don't you think it's insane to wait in line?


Originally posted by Cmdr. Antilles

Yeah, EFRadiant is very easy to use.


Think we'll get the JK2 .maps? :)

Hope so; so far we haven't made raven regret releasing the EF map files (I hope ;) )

Hey, orekel, what's up? It's Agent007 from the EF BBS. Know of any other EFer's here?

Check in in Yoda's swamp, there's a thread there. :)

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