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What does it take to get welcomed around here?

Lady Jedi

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Well? Come on, where is my gift basket. Hellloooo? Excuse me, I am new here, and am completely gift basket-less. From what I understand, I am supposed to get a gift basket when I am new, so where is it?


And one more thing: How many roaches does it take to screw in a light bulb? :D


[ October 17, 2001: Message edited by: LadyJedi12 ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

A fine fine bottle of Chardonnay mailed to...


Uh, wait, not a whole lot actually. You get welcomed even if your first thread is in the wrong place. :)

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hey welcome ladyJedi, nice to meet you, and its good to have some female company apart from denise who pops up every nown and again, ;) welcome to the club and enjoy your stay.how many roaches does it take to screw in a light bulb? and oh yer, i is back from camp now.



p.s. you welcome basket is in the mail, :p


*EDIT: forgot some :)


[ October 19, 2001: Message edited by: Access_fluX ]

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Well, guess what, I still have some of those gift baskets that I stole from the moderators at jk.net, so here help yourselfs, stevenG and superstupidstormie. :D


Welcome LadyJedi. I'd give you one, but I already did at jk.net. :D

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Guest Boba Rhett

*runs in panting*


Sorry about getting behind on the whole giftbaskets thing. I've been extremely busy! :)


Everyone who hasn't gotten a gift-basket yet, please form a line. To make up for the wait, each gift basket contains a copy of the best dvd ever created, the TPM dvd. :D

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