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Darth Kiil

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I've just been looking at the screenshots of what I assume is the multiplayer mode of JKII and I noticed something horrifying. I noticed that every single guy in the picture was Kyle Katarn. Now, someone please tell me I won't have to run around Bespin cleaving newbies in half, all the while looking like that Jedi wanker. Something must be said for individuality, and I don't want to be just another Kyle face in a crowd of Kyle faces. And please God tell me that they're already making a BFP for this new Jedi Knight.

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Please tell me how you can make such a fundamental assumption about the entire game based on a few selective screenshots that are not representative of the full game? :rolleyes:


I can understand your confusion based on those screenshots, but simply based on Raven's and Lucasarts past track record, I'm surprised you could believe you will have no choice of skins in MP. :confused:


Of course, I have no evidence to the contrary, but then no one has any concrete idea of what the final game will contain. Suffice it to say, I don't think any developer is so naive as to leave out skin selection - considering it is practically a prerequisite of MP play.

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Well, to answer your question, I can make that assumption due to the multitudes of screenshots in the PC Gamer article. It seems to be a multiplayer mode because of the multiple Kyles and names following them around. I do not, however, see any screens of different people with names following them, just Kyle.

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On the contrary, it's not released yet. That does not mean it's not complete. And Tap[RR], shut up. There's no reason to be an ignorant little snot. Acting like a 5-year-old because someone disagrees with you is one of the most demeaning things you can do to yourself and half of the time you don't even know it. If you want to talk, do it like an adult. Otherwise, go away kid.

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Originally posted by Darth Kiil:

Well, to answer your question, I can make that assumption due to the multitudes of screenshots in the PC Gamer article. It seems to be a multiplayer mode because of the multiple Kyles and names following them around. I do not, however, see any screens of different people with names following them, just Kyle.


And you believe PC Gamer is a reliable source of information? :rolleyes:


Let us get one thing straight. You could be right. :eek: Someone, somewhere, could have had a brain transplant with a neutered flea (small minded), and decided in their wisdom that we should all suffer for the execrable title of the next Star Wars movie (Attack of the Clones...Attack of the Kyles. Get it?).


But I don't think so. ;) To put things in a better perspective, you may not know that some of the Raven team have already been on the forums to point out that some of the screenshots officially released by Lucasarts are from quite early builds of the engine. They could not themselves understand why such screenshots were released recently, when they showed old saber effects, etc. Perhaps these screenshots are yet another example.


For all we know, those apparent MP mode shots are also from an earlier build.


I agree that the screenshots with multiple Kyle's are probably shots of the MP mode of play...but perhaps that was done deliberately so you could easily identify that they were MP shots. Nobody knows.


And that is the crux of my point. Nobody knows. Not even Raven knows exactly what is going to ship with the game until they've finalised it. Things change. Things get cut. Other things get put in.


Again, I think it is a bit premature to judge the content of the full game simply based on a few (I don't see multitudes in my UK PC Gamer article ;) ) screenshots.


That would be like judging the Episode II movie based on the Trailer. I thought the trailers to TPM looked fantastic...but the movie didn't match the hype.


So, keep the faith, and hope for a great game. ;)

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As for that acting like an adult contradiction thing, I may not have been the most polite that I could have been in that message, and I'm not sorry for that, but I can assure you there is much more I could have said. I restrained myself while still making a firm point. To some, saying "shut up" might indicate behavior non-becoming an adult, but, I believe the fact that I restrained from insulting him with all the ferocity that I wanted to was proof enough.


And I am almost 100% sure that the game is out of the development stage (a.k.a. being "done"). I have talked to some people about that very fact.


[ October 24, 2001: Message edited by: Darth Kiil ]

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Originally posted by Philbo:

<STRONG>they do NOT have it done yet, and have NOT made any new skins or models for MP yet.</STRONG>


that was a while ago.... these arent 'new' screenshots so to speak. lets just say i think theyve done a few more now....


oh, and everyone...... cool it...... watch the words. we're here to talk about skins, not idiocy.


[ October 25, 2001: Message edited by: GonkH8er ]

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For DARTH KILL: That jedi wanker???? Kyle is great.and You cant judge the game when it isnt finished yet! Yeah it would be funny if there was a multi player mode where everyone is kyle but not good for the gameplay. Anyway i have seen multiplayer shots of not just kyle but of someone called jaina (solo maybe?)so it isnt that bad.

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I think it's probably safe to say that you'll be able to choose other characters besides Kyle Katarn in JK2's multiplayer, if the other games in the series (and MP FPS games in general) are any indication.

; )



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