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Um...OK a few things immediately came to mind:

- Why does the new "Old-Enterprise" look about 5 centuries more advanced than the old "New-Enterprise?"


- "Straight and steady" is a really stupid tag line.


- I hate the Akiraprise. It's too new looking (old story I know, but I gave it a chance).


- Who the hell are these new bad guys? If they're so technologically advanced why do they disappear over the next hundred years (let me guess, they get assimilated. Sigh.)


-And as far as Rigel is concerned....I agree. We know where OUR Rigel is, but perhaps not where the Vulcan translated version of it is (it was the Vulcan charts they were using). Did anyone else pick up the possible hint about the Tholians?


- More continuity dumbness: Pike and his crew were using lasers and these guys get phasers? Pffft.


[ September 27, 2001: Message edited by: CaptainRAVE ]

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I for one think it will be a very good series. Like you said, it's hard to tell what a series is going to be like from the first show. I think they did a good job with the "time". The technology is not advanced, even though it may look more so. And even if you think about it, THAT makes sense. During the years of Next Generation and Voyager we cared less about what things looked like and more what they could accomplish. In this show we probably care more about show than functionality at the moment. We are still in the "business" era. I liked how after the Vulcans came to earth (In the movie: First Contact) everything wasn't just perfect. A big portion of this show I think will be showing how Starfleet grew into what it is in the later shows. There is only one thing I really don't like about Star Trek in general. Just the thought that other species have had space travel for centuries, and humans get it and within 100 years we are already the leaders of space more or less. The Federation of Planets is started by humans. And if you didn't notice this in some of the shows and movies, earth is Alpha Quadrant section 01. Number 1? I mean, either we are REALLY pushy or the Vulcans just happened to designate earth number 1 out of all the planets in the galaxy. But I think the show will be great!

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All the sex hints just SCREAMS UPN! Man, the gel scene. The butterfly eaters, the obscene sounds from the door: ALL USELESS!


The intro music is annoying. They should of done like DeepSpace9 and have there own version. The intro collage is a bit annoying in my opinion.


But a thing I did like is the submarine feel you get in the ship. The crew corters were obvioulsy not in the mind of the designers (just like today's submarines). In other words, small and cramp.

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Guest Vagabond

This premier was actually stronger than that of most of the Star Trek series, and I think this will end up being far better than both DS9 and Voyager (not too tough to do). Plus, I loved the pioneer feel to the show, and the uniforms were great...they actually looked like uniforms, rather than leotard-clad super heros.


However, things that I'm concerned about are:


1. As was mentioned, the title song was rather unusual, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but this one was a bit out of character for the theme of this show, in my opinion.


2. And again, this supposedly more archaic Enterprise appears more advanced than Kirk's NCC-1701. How does one explain going from a rather advanced-looking and rather bumpy-ish NX-01, to the rather smooth, sleek, and modest-looking NCC-1701, and back to the advanced-looking, bumpy ships of the later series?


3. Likewise, the bridge-design doesn't appear as though it can logically evolve into the bridge that Kirk used, although I did appreciate that they had to push a button to open the doors. And how come none of the chick's are wearing mini-skirts? ;)


Other comments are that Star Fleet consists of only one ship at this point, so it made me wonder if we're going to see the introduction of other Star Ships during the course of the series. Recall the the Human-Klingon war as well as the Human-Romulan wars must occur at some point, which would establish the familiar Neutral Zones. That would be incredible to see during the show.


So, I think this show, while presenting a few unexplainable delimas, will be a very good series.

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one thing that especiall perturbs me is the fact that they are goin to use the 'new' klingon look, vs the 'old' klingon look. like they are just going to ignore the fact that worf said there was an accident and that they dont talk about it... grr, thats ST for your, the universe makes less sence than i do...

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When did Worf say there was an accident? I played a ST trivia game with the question "What reason was given to explain the difference between Klingons in The Original Series and The Next Generation?" The answer was "no reason was given." I'll look it up though.

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