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I'm looking forward to this game sooo much! It comes out on the 30th here in England, which I'm annoyed about, coz I want it now!!!Still, I think I can wait another few days.


I'm confident that my PC can hack the pace:

  • Athlon 1.4GHz @ 1.6GHz
  • 256Mb PC2100
  • EPoX 8K7A DDR motherboard (AMD761/VIA686B)
  • Hercules 3D Prophet 2 MX :(


Plus, my upgrade path is assured as I can put in another 512Mb RAM and upgrade to AthlonXP thanks to those nice folks at EPoX who have just released new BIOS revisions for all their Socket A motherboards to allow for XP compatibility.

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I read a review at VoodooExtreme that gave RTCW a 76%. His biggest problem was with the single player campaign.


I am enjoying it, a lot. I know the reason for people disliking it though. Is it revolutionary? No. Do people expect it be revolutionary? Yes. Does the storyline borrow too much from Wolf3D? Probably. Is the game more of a shoot em up than an objective-based scenario? Yes.


But I could care less. The graphics and sound are nothing short of amazing, and the multiplayer more than makes up for anything single player lacks, in my opinion.

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Guest ZeroXcape

If anyone is wondering where I have been recently, it is this game's fault... ;)


Here's my quickie review of Wolf:


- Cinematics: Very Diablo2-ish

- Single Player: Very, VERY NOLF-like

- Multi Player: Feels like Quake1 and the Half-life engine right out of a blender.


Don't get me wrong, it's a great game... I just don't see enough qualities I like from it that push it into the GOTY category.


My GOTY choice? Either Max Payne for it's beauty and clever technology... or Half-life simply because it's still the king.

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I'm definitely waiting for MoH:AA, although I think I'll pick up RtcW, too.


The game industry has moved past Half Life - regardless of all the mods, the GAME itself doesn't deserve GotY this year..


You can run Max Payne on a p500 with a decent graphics card.. sure, it's not on max settings, but you can PLAY IT, and it still looks good.


You should be able to play *any* game, as long as your pc is less than 2 years old..

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Originally posted by Wilhuf:

Anyone else holding off on RTCW in favor of Medal of Honor?


I'm hoping to get both. :)


I expect RTCW to be a souped-up Wolf3D...just plain FPS fun.


I expect a bit more from MoH:AA though, and judging by the screenies and vids, it should deliver.


The only thing that's annoying me at the moment is that all the games I want look like they're all going to be released around Spring next year...Unreal II, SOF II, JKII, MoH:AA, Cthulhu, even C&C Renegade. If I disappear for a month, you may know the reason why. :eek:

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RTCW may not be worth $60 if you aren't too sure of it. But Best Buy will probably have it down to $40 soon. Highly recommended, especially at that price.


And MoH looks cool. But does anyone else think that the lack of blood in this game takes away from the WW2 experience? I'm not the type of person that will say a game sucks if there is no blood--far from it. But it adds to the atmosphere when it needs to. And WW2 needs it. Oh well. Still looks nifty.

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Yes this coming Spring is going to be insanely good for gaming. Medal of Honor (due in February in the US), Unreal 2, Jar-Jar's Alphabet Galaxy, Jedi Outcast.


I tend to agree that no-blood in a WWII shooter seems a bit odd, seeing especially how Medal of Honor was produced in association with Steven Spielberg and Dale Dye, his military adviser. It won't kill the story, so it's no big deal. Just a bit too 'sheltered,' IMO.

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE:

<STRONG>ed_silvergun, you have your 1.4Ghz overclocked to 1.6........wow, i'll have to try that.</STRONG>


Er... it depends on your motherboard as o whether or not it's a good idea. And stability will start to suffer. It's really a question of where you want to make the trade off. Do you want to keep it at default speed and have flawless (cough) stability, or do you want to get a little extra speed and put up with the odd crash every now and again? It's really up to you... my only advice is do it slowly a little at a time, so you figure out just what your machine can handle.

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Although I usually don't like blood in games, I don't think I would mind having it in MoH:AA. However, I can see why they left it out.. getting a Teen rating means it's available to a much large consumer base, which means more money.

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Originally posted by jipe:

<STRONG>Although I usually don't like blood in games, I don't think I would mind having it in MoH:AA. However, I can see why they left it out.. getting a Teen rating means it's available to a much large consumer base, which means more money.</STRONG>


that doesn't make sence to me. Ea has based MoH:AA on WW2. WW2 was bloody and Violent. i think that any game that has you shooting and or kill some one then it should be given a high rating. "...it's okay to shoot someone as long as there is no blood..." sure, whatever?


[ November 27, 2001: Message edited by: StephenG ]

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Originally posted by ed_silvergun:



Er... it depends on your motherboard as o whether or not it's a good idea. And stability will start to suffer. It's really a question of where you want to make the trade off. Do you want to keep it at default speed and have flawless (cough) stability, or do you want to get a little extra speed and put up with the odd crash every now and again? It's really up to you... my only advice is do it slowly a little at a time, so you figure out just what your machine can handle.</STRONG>



It'll still keep cool anyway because I have a fileserver tower with 4 fans. In total I have 10 fans in my system which keeps it as about 12 degrees and the processor at about 16....not bad for a 1.4Ghz Athlon.

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