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xbox + linux = internet multiplayer


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Xbox Gateway have released XBoxGW, Linux server software that allows Xbox users to play multiplayer xbox games through the internet.


From the FAQ:


XBOXGW is an application that was developed to expand the capabilities of

System Link games for the Microsoft XBOX. The basic functionality of this program is very similar to an ethernet bridge. This one just happens to be smart enough to only bridge XBOX game traffic, and to split it up to the right players as to not take unnecessary bandwidth.


System Link Games are XBOX Games which support Multiplayer on Local Area Networks. These games usually have a "System Link Play" option under the multiplayer menu.


If you and someone else you know have a broadband Internet connection, a PC, and a Microsoft XBOX with one of the System Link games, you can play each other over the Internet.


So there you have it peeps, internet multiplayer for xbox. Toldya so! And linux support for xbox ;)


[ November 24, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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Hm, noone has said anything that contradicts the article.


It is kinda cool. Currently it does require a linux server.


Also, the existing multiplayer link games are coded for LAN play with minimal latency. The games likely have minimal client-side prediction coded in, so unless you've got a great low-latency internet connection between xboxes, gameplay may not be all that smooth. Maybe more like the Quake 1 synchronous clients style.

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Since this topic is a formula, I would modify your good basic formula thusly:


Client System Latency = latency(client xbox -> client linux bridge) + latency(client linux bridge -> internet-> host linux bridge) + latency(linux bridge-> host xbox)


Here is the diagram by xboxgw:




I'd guess you could add maybe ~10-20 msec or so to the basic internet ping between the linux bridges, assuming ~5-10 msec on both sides between the xbox and the linux bridges.


Also, it's cool how you can just use a linux boot disk to run the linux bridging software. No need to do a full dual-boot linux install on your PC to get things going. You can simply boot your PC from the linux boot disk and get things rolling pronto.


In any case, a win32 bridge app is due out any day now, so there will be no need to fuss with linux.




[ November 25, 2001: Message edited by: Wilhuf ]

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Hmmm, looks good. I'm not sure I'll be getting an X-Box, though.


It might come in handy if several X-Box only titles come out that appeal to me, and that also support MP (in whatever form).


The titles that look promising from my POV are Unreal Championship, Enclave, and Maelstrom (although I'm pretty sure Maelstrom is slated for a PC release too).


Of course, there's the additional cost of a Hub, etc., although that wouldn't break the bank. It's certainly an option that could increase the console's appeal and success.


Thanks for the heads-up Wilhuf. ;)

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This fun tech aside, Microsoft have said they will have an internet multiplayer solution for xbox, allowing direct xbox multiplayer gaming through the internet (via broadband). Supposedly this will be available by Q2 2002.


So far, MS hasn't revealed any real details, though. So, this bridge solution is kinda cool for the short term.

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Originally posted by Wilhuf:

This fun tech aside, Microsoft have said they will have an internet multiplayer solution for xbox, allowing direct xbox multiplayer gaming through the internet (via broadband). Supposedly this will be available by Q2 2002.


So far, MS hasn't revealed any real details, though. So, this bridge solution is kinda cool for the short term.


Suffice it to say, not everyone is going to get broadband for a while (especially here in the UK), so this stop-gap solution could prove very popular for some time to come. :)

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