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What about the third trilogy?


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Guest Boba Rhett

Right before he made TPM he said Star Wars was eventually going to consist of nine movies. Half way through TPM he decided to drop the last three. They will not be made, thankfully. I don't know about you guys but I don't want someone else filling Lukes, Leias, and Hans shoes.

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Yeah, actors would be a problem. Do you want someone like Leonardo DeCrapio playing Luke?



Harrison ford could still play Han. Droids. Does anyone know what Mark Hammil and Carrie Fisher look like nowadays?


[ July 25, 2001: Message edited by: matt-windu ]

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Hamill could still do another SW movie, he doesn't look too old. So could Harrison Ford, but he doesn't wanna (anyone know why?).

I guess it kinda depends where you wanna set the movies? What would the global plot be? The global plot of the original trilogy was this Rebellion against the Empire. The global plot of the prequels (so far a little on the weak side) is, I guess, the building up of the Galactic Empire headed by (Sidious)/Palpatine (<-Please note the parenthesis, I'm guessing that Sid=Palpy).

But what would be the global plot of the sequel trilogy? The overtaking of Coruscant? They'd kinda have to follow the books. They could have some pretty epic battles. The Battle of Coruscant I'd like to see in particular. AT-ATs and AT-STs walk the streets of the city, while A-Wings (& E-Wings) battle TIEs in the skies!

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Guest Sherack Nhar

You are all forgetting something. George is aging too.


He's 57 years old if I'm not mistaken? And he still have to release episode 2-3! Assuming that Episode 3 will be out by 2005, he'll be 61! Again, assuming that each following episode would take three years to do, then he would be 70 years old by Episode 9's release!


Kinda old, huh? Besides, he said that as the rest of the prequel trilogy unfold, we'll see how Star Wars really is the telling of Anakin Skywalker's tale. Anakin died in RotJ, so There won't be any other trilogies.


And it would look farfetched, IMHO.

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