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Go Buy 'Max Payne' Now!

Guest ZeroXcape

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Guest ZeroXcape

Not to get off the subject too much... but oh my. A 3DRealms game that I actually enjoy.


If you are into great Single Player action and you want to burn some time until JKII, get <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00002SUOV/escapemonkeyisla">MAX PAYNE</a>.


It's like you're playing the Matrix over and over.


I may write up a review for this game if I find some extra time...

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Um.. scratch that. Just so you you guys know...


Win2k + GeForce 3 = no max payne


//learned the hard way


**** like this makes me *not* want to support these companies (pay them my hard earned money) and get instead these games through other means. I shouldn't shell out $50 for a poorly tested game. How could they miss something like that in beta testing?


Anyway, the game kicks major boo-tay. Bullet time is one of the most innovative and incredible features I've ever seen in a game. I only got to play the first chapter because the second one won't load, so I'll delay my write up until next week.

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Guest ZeroXcape

Hopefully they'll come out w/a patch for that :\


I just played some more... Chapter 3 now.


I love how you can interact with the world in such detail. You walk in snow, it leaves a print. You touch an object, it responds.


I'll take some screens of me doing some funny things pretty soon ;)

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I played some more of the tutorial. I found a secret room that contains an Ingram... now that's some real fun. ;)


I have fun trying to recreate scenes from the Matrix. With the Ingram I killed three guys in one shootdodge. And another thing I liked doing was running at two guys, shootdodge right past them, turn so my back is toward the ground and so I'm facing them and cap their asses. I also enjoyed running at the van, jumping on it, and then shootdodgimng, flying over the guy, aiming down and putting some dual beretta bullets in his head. I also tried doing the same thing from three stories up (where the secret room is), but I died on the fall. :)


However, one feature that is sorely missing from the game is the ability to record demos/videos. Imagine the competitions they could have for the coolest sequence or set of moves.


Also, I hear that MaxEd isn't as simple as it was advertised to be. Oh well...

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Hey Canoli, here's something I found on the voodooextreme forums:


Just wanted to let you know that we're aware of the problems.


It seems that with GF3 + Win2k + Athlon combination the game is exiting to desktop when loading a new map.


The game has been tested with different GF3/Athlon configs, and was developed mostly on Geforce+Win2k machines, so at the moment we are assuming that this is an issue with the user configuration (some drivers conflicting with each other or something).


As of yet, we haven't been able to re-create the problem at our office, so I can't give you any solid info. As soon as we get the game to crash here as well, we should be able to figure out how the problem can be fixed. In all probability a patch won't be needed.


Will keep you guys posted.


Here ya go... here's the link if you wanna read through the whole thread (not too long):

Max Payne problems - Remedy answers

It looks like they have been able to recreate the problem, but they haven't figured out how to solve it. You probably won't need to patch the game though.


Here's another snippet from NVnews:

Guys, First thing. If you're running Max Payne under Windows 2000, please make sure that you have installed the Service Pack 2.


There is a known issue with Win2k and 3D applications that can be fixed with SP2.


Please install it, as it will cut down some of the reports were getting. This is to make sure that we won't be chasing after problems that we can't affect or fix.


I hope that helped :)


UPDATE: Looks like they nailed it. However, it's one of those damn compiler optimization problems (programmers will know what I'm talking about) so you'll have to download a patch, which will be released soon.

Anyway, here's the latest thread:

Max Payne v1.01 coming soon


[ July 26, 2001: Message edited by: Sherack Nhar ]

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Yeah, thanks for the news. I've been following the situtaion a VE and ArsTechnica.


And no, there is no multiplayer. Simply because there is no possible way of implementing bullet time in MP. I'm expecting some awesome sp mods however, and no doubt a Matrix TC. I have a crappy net connection, so no MP doesn't kill me.

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