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What is the funnest star wars game to you?

Guest Rogue15

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Guest Rogue15

My favorites are:


Rebellion (only beat it once, had tons of fun beating it, only use the empire)


Force Commander-funnest multiplay experience


Jedi-Knight-fun multiplay experience (i'm getting better every day, well, i have been going up against newbies, so....)


Rogue Squadron 3D awesome addictive action and graphics are awesome, could've used an option to turn off fog completely, that's soooo annoying w/the dam drawrate.


Mots- my favorite game for editing, and it has awesome levels in it.


Droid Works-the levels sucked (well most of them anyways) but building a droid is so much fun!!! and then making him dance on the work table, that's funny.


My most favorite right now are Rebellion, Jedi Knight, Mots, and Rogue Squadron 3D.

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Guest Rogue15

lol rereading all these posts is very entertaining. hehehe. it looks like everyone's talking to the voices inside their heads. now, b4 i get flamed or bad remarks, reread all the topics and laugh, because it looks very funny!!!!!!

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i have to say with regret, that i have never played MOTS, and its killing me :(


but a great game was Rebel assualt 2, which i still play over and over... but yer yoda stories was a little repetitive, but it was still fun watchin the mini luke waving his light saber like a wand and watching the basd guys go 'POP' :p

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The bestestest Star Wars game in it's day was probably Tie Fighter. Play it now and most modern gamers would not enjoy it's old graphics and MIDI-quality soundtrack--but it was amazing! The most involving game of the X-Wing Series. X-Wing Alliance was great too. Nice graphics and good thematic music. I hope there'll be another.

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