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Dude the MP demo SUCKS! Q1 ALL OVER AGAIN! Main I thought we evolved as a community in providing more games that did not involve just running around and shooting. WTF is that all about? I know its just a test but still...mabe Im just ranting off..anyways...I got one line....




Did anyone notice this. Even the little red parallelagrams that appear (spelling on parallelagrams) when you fall appear on Red Faction..except they are more elegant graphically...OH WOW! Man come on..at LEAST be creative! Lets see what else...human interaction was the same...Man ****, a lot of crap was the same!

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Guest Vagabond

Wilhuf and I played this last night, and here's my summary:


1. No joystick support, so, god forbid, I had to play with a mouse, resulting in my sucking major anus.


2. One could blow holes in walls with certain weapons, which was kind of cool.


3. The weapons were of the standard fare, although a few had these cool little heat-sensing scopes mounted on the actual weapon, that you could use to detect targets - kind of cool.


4. The maps were average, being nothing special.


5. Overall, it was very much like Unreal Tournament, except with walls you can blow up, and without stick suppport.


[ August 16, 2001: Message edited by: Vagabond ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

They also claim that this is just a technology test, not a full-fledged demo. Still, an acorn can only fall so far from the tree...

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Performance was somewhat choppy, but as K-Ti said, it is just a test at this point. Framerate could use a lot of improvement, but I could turn down the details of course to help the FPS.


Multiplayer worked OK (not great) on a listen server, and would have been better if I could have loaded up a dedicated server. Unfortunately the dedicated server software gave me a .cpp error so that was a no go in this particular case. Developers gotta fix that!


I enjoyed the demo, and there was some fun strategy in blowing holes in walls, ceilings and floors. Was really fun in the CTF map. You could just blast a hole through the wall to the flag room, making for a more 'convenient' entryway or exit. Also, there were 'secret' rooms containing weapons which could only be accessed by blasting through walls.


And of course Vagabond and I had fun camping up on top of the stairway tower, dumping explosive charges and rockets onto the enemy. Fortunately Red Faction has some good anti-camper weapons:


There were two new weapons in the multiplayer demo not found in the single player demo. The shotgun and railgun. The railgun was especially fun since you can use secondary fire to look through and shoot through walls, neutralizing would-be campers. Secondary fire shotgun is lethal! Rapid fire shotgun!


The game became more fun as we played it more, learning the weapons and maps. Seemed like the gamers playing yesterday who caught on to the weapons had a good time with them.


As was said, Red Faction does seem very similar to UT, with the added ability to blast holes in the game environment.

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