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Should You Upgrade to Windows XP?


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Many people are still agonizing over whether to make the switch to Windows XP or not. This article makes some important points that people should be aware of before they make their final decision.


For example, those who use their computers primarily for the latest games should think carefully about making the change. Windows XP doesn't have quite as high performance with games as Win 9x/ME, but it also doesn't crash nearly as often.


The article also discusses the differences between XP Home and the more robust but expensive XP Professional version. It also explains in detail the new copyright protection that comes with the OS.

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The copyright protection has been cracked. It's only a matter of time before we see key gens.



Every XP user is, by default, and administrator. Though this may be fine for home users, it still allows windows users raw sockets. Raw sockets = bad for morons.

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Guest Krayt Tion

The only Windows release I jumped right into was 95 simply because it seemed like such an impressive jump at the time from 3.1.


I have Win98SE. I could use a more stable OS that still lets me play most of my games with some tweaking (win2k). I've been too lazy to get on that. However.


1- There is absolutely no way I will be jumping right into Windows XP, if at all. It will probably be as buggy as the first release of just about every OS MS has put out since 95. Regardless of what they say about it already working with many W2k drivers and such, I'm going to ensure I get my proper drivers for all my devices and proper support for all my important games and programs before I even begin to look at this OS seriously. At the very least I will be waiting till the first Service Pack comes out for it and most companies have had ample time to write their XP drivers. Maybe even the Second one which will undoubtabely we worming its way into existance. Many many months were talking about waiting on this. For me, this is wise.


2- Makes no sense for me to 'upgrade' to it anywhere in the next few months- I don't need the extra strain on resources that XP will definitely bring. Yep, those of you with lower-end computers are going to need/want more power to run it smoothly, no question. I'm not paying a couple hundred bucks just to turn off the fancy-shcmancy stuff fluff like the new GUI so a can multitask as smoothly as I once did. Next time I make a big upgrade to my PC I might consider trying it out.


3- Last but oh so not least is I will wait till the paranoia surrounding the release of XP is largely sorted out and has good reason to die down. If some of the more worrisome points prove well-founded upon release, I will not be getting Windows XP. The consumers will get to the bottom of this. I don't care what has been cracked, I shouldn't have to crack anything that threatens to spy on me or is ridiculously limiting on what I can do with the software itself that I payed for. What's the paranioa you say?


Read the FiringSquad take on this issue. It starts off with the good, the part you really need to see is the bad, so read it all. There is quite a bit of opinion but the editor does at least give a good list of what the consumers with an internet voice are worried about with XP release.


Read it you should, Judge for yourself you must.


However, if you are the type that would glady chase the billioniare-turned-TheShining'sJackNicholson into the dark woods, you're gonna get yours. Tread carefully and vote with your wallet.


I've been sick for the last few days, haven't been around, and I shall now retreat to my bed for the rest of the day. Don't worry, those with the Ban Stick have been alerted to this fact for quite some time, and they are still watching. :o


[ September 05, 2001: Message edited by: Krayt Tion ]

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I will not touch WinXP with a 42 foot pole until there is a concrete reason to get it. I tried out my friend's beta version of it, and I disliked it. The new GUI was crap and we just turned it off anyway.


Win2k is my OS of choice, and I will not be changing unless WinXP is the be all-end all OS, which isn't going to happen anyway.

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Im also using Win98SE, and I wont install XP, for several reasons, first of all M$ OSs need a few years of gama testing (I dont think that term exist, I mean testing by final users) and patching before they work second It has inferior performance with games, and third I read a review and it seems XP is extremly invasive. The review said it automatically changed explorer and outlook to go to msn.com and **** like that, it forced you to use messenger for some things and integrated msn sites everywhere

And there are lots of other reasons to stay with 98SE, 2K and linux

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Not for me.. as a consumer, I see little reason to "upgrade" to WinXp from Win2K/98se.


I also refuse to switch to ME.


I mean after a certain amount of time, many bugs get worked out on these OS's and they become somewhat stable and worth using, but when they are new, they're generally worse than what you've already got. So if I did ever switch, it would be a long time from now...



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