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hahah stupid sysops


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+Ron@MPlus> Unfortuately this room has chat removed due to excessive code of conduct violations. At the request of the operator in the room, chat will be removed for an undetermined amount of time. Please enjoy your games here, only the lobby was effected.



Nar is one of the more... colourful places on the zone lol.

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zoner: "jk wouldnt have lasted this long without the zone"

-ians : "jk wouldnt have lasted this long without massassi and editing"

-ites : "jk wouldnt have lasted this long without spork"




hey, how would you feel if i was to become a sysop? would you feel the zone would be a safer place? :)

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Zone must be the only semi-decent thing that microsoft has going, with my win98 installling what ever it likes- eg. that gator stuff, and then the kernel decides to go on holiday. freakin micro soft!


JK only lasted as long as it did because it was a star wars game- duh! :p

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Kali is dead for JK, and even though it will likely support JK2, it won't be the place to be. Many of us (including myself) don't want to pay $20 when we can just use the zone or gamespy.


If the rumours are true, then the zone will support JK2 and be able to list dedicated servers. JK2 will probably have out of the box zone campatability on day 1, while gamespy and kali will have to code it into thier own software. Of the three, I'd guess Kali will have JK2 support last.

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Guest Kurgan

I'll say it again.. the MSN Gaming Zone for JK was lousy. The only reason it prospered is because they had almost exclusive rights to display JK games from day one, with all the hype and advertising on their side (and it was IE only for a long time too).


So in the end it had quantity, not quality, and only because it was "the only place in town."


In many respects it's still buggy and the interface is ugly compared to stuff like GSA. To say nothing of the poor management, etc.


But then that was M$'s fault, not LEC's, we'll see what happens, hopefully JK2 will be open ended and supported by multiple visible online communities (officially), not just Microsoft's.



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personaly i dont like GSA interface, the zones is better especialy for grouping, but GSA does have some advantages, mainly the file transfer ability, GSA also like to throw Fullscreen FLASH ADS at u bah talk about a bother, least if u make shorcuts to the menu of ure game on the zone u dont have to put up with any ads.

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Guest Kurgan

Whenever I use the Zone I just always feel like its primitive and slow, at least the interface for GS doesn't give me that impression. Granted neither is perfect, but I just think the zone is too bloated and poorly run. If Microsoft wasn't backing it and making deals to sneak it into games, I bet it would die a quick death (with better alternatives getting a chance).



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