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In-depth report on JKII


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Nice find.


Generally enemies are fearful when I'm using my lightsaber. When I come in with normal weapons they'll be a little more bold. Also, when they retreat, they'll move into defensible positions so, if there's an officer along with the Stormtroopers, and you take him out, the other guys are likely to flee because the chain of command has effectively been broken.


Very nice. Sounds promising.


Too bad we have to wait for our December PC Gamer for the full version.

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Guest Sarcastic Saint

"for the full version of this feature, see the december issue of PCgamer on sale now..."


And yet that whole...they hide when there is no officer and attack when there is 1 present....is directly copied from some previews that were taken at that quakecon thingy....how original.... :tsk:

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I've read that article before. :D I knew I'd read about Bespin's lower levels some time ago, but I couldn't remember exactly where. Now I know. ;)


What sounds more interesting is this...


"As the game progresses he has to relearn his Force talents and secure himself a lightsaber"


Secure a lightsaber? Does that mean it is not given willingly? I wonder.

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I like the way they talk about the enemy AI...


"Because enemies are reacting to you differently depending on whether you have the saber or not, the style of play will also change. They may choose to hide somewhere or go into a room with other troopers and alert them, then come out and rush you. Whereas if you choose to sneak around a level, trying to be quiet, using your blaster, doing precision headshots, your game is going to be different."


And I suddenly got an urge to throw some lightning...


"Force Lightning leaps from soldier to soldier in a terrifying chain of electrical death."


JKII, will you marry me?

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