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Guest Vagabond

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Guest Vagabond

Hey man, I've got a couple things to discuss, and since none of the email accounts seem to work, and my ICQ is on the blink, this is the only way I know of to contact you:


1. When I look at my profile, it says registration is required. What does this mean? Since I have a profile it would seem that I'm already registered, but if there's something else I need to do, where do I do that?


2. Perhaps related to #1, but I no longer have my admin privileges at the forum...in fact, this is now my 2nd post?


3. Also, I was going to upload part of an article I'm working on and discovered my FTP account no longer works. Likewise, my JKII email is broken as well.


4. Lastly, about six weeks ago I installed a router at my home, and ever since then I don't seem to be able to ICQ you or Kurgan - "unable to send through server" - or something like that, which is odd since I can ICQ other people. Anyway, I DID get your message about writing a column, which I am doing, but I'm not sure you got my reply. Anyway, this is just more of an FYI so you know what I'm up to.


I know there are lots of little fires you're fighting with the forum changes, so my admin authority, FTP, and email are probably pretty far down on the list. When you get the chance, could you please fix me up, and just email me here when I'm good to go? Thanks, man.

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How could you register in 1969? :rolleyes:


I had already noticed those weird registering dates, they appeared after the last forum change when jk.net and all the rest of the forums were moved here

Was the date wrong back in 97 or 98 when the jk.net forum first started or what?

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...clearly I registered back in Decmeber of 1969 - that was back when I invented the internet, you silly boy ;)


Seriously, I think what may have happened is that I did register quite a while back - say in 1997-98 area, and this statistic was not recorded by the version of UBB that Aris was running at the time. Then when UBB upgrades occured, and this statistic started being captured, those that were registered previously had no registration date. So, with this latest UBB version, either Infopop or Aris has finally inserted some sort of minimum starting date in that field. That's my educated guess :cool:

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...I'll go ahead and move this to Yoda's Swamp, for anyone who's interesting in continuing with this thread.


Kurgan, I'm not sure how to contact you anymore...could you email at my Yahoo account, from your school acount? Do you still remember my Yahoo account?

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