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Harry Potter

Guest Morgues

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Really guys, you can't compare Pokemon to Harry Potter. Pokemon is animated crap and Harry Potter is some of the best reading I've experienced in a long time. It's actually beneficial to kid's education as opposed to sucking up their money in cards and videos and all that crap.

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@ Thrawn: That is a ridiculous argument. The word "witch" has a double meaning now, like it or not, and you describe one of the two. But the other meaning is born of long twisting by culture. Harry Potter shows a variation of this second meaning.


Witches and wizards in Harry Potter are a separate offshoot of the human race, with typical signs of racial interbreeding (references to how wizards never would have survived without interbreeding with Muggles) and recessive genes (ie "Mudbloods"). They are NOT a religion. They are a RACE. You can NOT join their ranks by changing any one of your beliefs. The ONLY, repeat the ONLY similarity to the worshippers of Satan you refer to are the terms used such as "witch" and "spell", and this similarity is an innocent side effect of cultural development.


Star Wars is acceptable to Christians because it is about good vs evil you say; well so is Harry Potter. You also say that "as a Christian I believe that there are two kinds of powers: those that come from God, and those that come from Satan." Well, we are talking about a fantasy world, not a real one; and if you ignore that argument you must concede that the Jedi and Sith also draw their power from Satan. So the entire concept of Star Wars is based on Satan worship. So why, may I ask, are you on these boards? Why would you dare call yourself a Star Wars fan?


And here's another argument: the force in Harry Potter referred to as magic is obviously a force of nature, and acts as such. Nature is created by God. So logically, in the Harry Potter universe, God created what they call "magic". Obviously in the real world, magic does not exist, and supernatural power does either come from God or from Satan. But the Harry Potter world, quite shockingly, is nothing like the real world. Just like Star Wars.


Think about it.



footnote: @ Compa: You've never seen or read Harry Potter, or you wouldn't be giving your particular argument. :)

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Thanks redwing, you saved up my time by typing your message. I totally agree with you.


Oh, and by the way they burned 'witches' in the middle ages because they needed someone to blame for all their misery. Your child got ill, or the harvest failed...just blame it on the old lady that lives down the street! I have read some books where they described such things, an example: A test to see if someone is a witch; hold them under the water, if she floats then she is a witch and must be burned, if she doesnt float..well then TO BAD, at least she wasn't a witch. That's how thing went in the middle ages.

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Originally posted by Thrawn


:eek: :eek: :eek: I can't BELIEVE this!!! Sorry, Fergie (and others) but Harry Potter is the most RETARDED and F*CKED up thing I have EVER seen in my life! :rolleyes: I don't want to get people hating me, but. . . I HATE HARRY POTTER! Alirght, let's analize this for a second, shall we? He is a F*CKED up little kid, living w/ a F*CKED up family, wearing F*CKED up glasses, riding a F*CKING broom! I don't know about you guys but another thing that P*SSES me off is that this is all a load of witchcraft SH*T! There was a reason why witches were burned at the stake in the Middle Ages! Because they are EVIL! There is NO such thing as a GOOD witch! This is just a clever ploy to get all the people in America learning about witchcraft! You may say: "It's just fantasy! It isn't REAL! As long as you can separate truth from fact it's fine!" Well I don't agree! Pornography is "just a book/magazine!" And it's "not real!" So as long as you can separate it from reality that makes it ok right? Then why isn't it allowed on our forum? Maybe porn isn't wrong it's just bad for little kids huh? Well who are the majority of the people reading Harry Potter?! LITTLE KIDS! I don't want to be hated at this forum, and I'm not flaming any of you, but I am 100% opposed to Harry Potter! :mad:




WHHHOOOOOOAAAAA slow down mate......


comparisons between pornography and harry potter???? where on earth have you managed to concuct that piece of deduction??!!


Considering your moral, christian stance you swear an awful lot.

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Originally posted by duder



Considering your moral, christian stance you swear an awful lot.


Good point :D


And Redwing you saved me some typing too, I was going to make the comparision with SW too, the Emperor must be a witch, he can produce lightning from his hands :o

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Guest Sarcastic Saint

Furthermore any idiot that would have done his research would have known that "withches" worshipped nature.....something your oh so precious God claimed he created.


And "witchcraft" is older then the freakin' Bible....so from that point of view your "God" and your precious religion are just newcomers.


note to all: no i'm not into witchcraft...however if you try to make a point without doing proper research and "blaming and cursing" everything that is other then the creation of God....well that sort of pisses me off.


Lets face it people if god really exists/ed in the way most people believe...then half the worlds trouble would be none existent.


So if he exists....then he either ; 1) he doesnt care

2) he has "left" us

3) he really doesnt have the power to do anything

4)....fill in the blanks yourself


Whats the point??

Simple....there is alot to say about all religions...."good" or "bad".

Lets face it....good and bad only exists in the eye of the beholder....but if you wish to be wise then say nothing and keep opinions to yourself.....for if you believe something is right or wrong and you want to "say your piece" then you will have to ask yourself.... : "Will i cause more harm or good?"


Always look at things from a distance and never judge about things you hardly (yet) understand.


Well my piece of wisdom for today.....and read my post carefully now....you dont want to make rash arguments. :D

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Redwing had made an excellent point against Thrawn. I fully and whole heartly agree with Redwing. Duder is right Christian really are not suppose to swear but when I get hurt really bad or really mad then i swear a bit. It is something that i got to work on. We all have faults. But hey you are your own person and I am my own person. Just wanted to say I agree with redwing.

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I got a harry potter question, in the movie or books, do they say any chants or curses? if so, that's witchcraft (if the chants and curses are supposed to hurt something/one). And don't say 'but thats's not real' cause it is. If you remember, it says in the Bible:


'If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.'

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Guest Supreme Warlord

They dont chant or curse. The Dark Art Wizard does curse that can kill other. The Good Wizard just says a word and the wand does the rest like for example to stun somebody you would say "Stupefy!" and the wand makes it happen.

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Guest Sarcastic Saint

I'm with Gungan_Reble on this.


LOTR is going to kick ass...not that i dont like Harry Potter...at least some of my friends went there and they are about my age, which is about 21, and they all liked it.


(Note; they went with their nephews/cousins....just so that you dont think that they are childish :D )


Anyways they all said that it wasnt half bad....but still i'm a LOTR fan....yep. :)

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Erg...okay...argument time. :rolleyes:


Furthermore any idiot that would have done his research would have known that "withches" worshipped nature.....something your oh so precious God claimed he created.


Worship the creation instead of the Creator? That doesn't make much sense.


And "witchcraft" is older then the freakin' Bible....so from that point of view your "God" and your precious religion are just newcomers.


That's not true. Older than parts of the Bible, yes. Earlier that the whole Bible? NO.


Lets face it people if god really exists/ed in the way most people believe...then half the worlds trouble would be none existent.


So if he exists....then he either ; 1) he doesnt care

2) he has "left" us

3) he really doesnt have the power to do anything

4)....fill in the blanks yourself


Not true. God gave people free will; we have created our world's troubles.


I got a harry potter question, in the movie or books, do they say any chants or curses? if so, that's witchcraft (if the chants and curses are supposed to hurt something/one).


Who says that's witchcraft? Does the Bible say that's witchcraft? Or is it based on a bunch of bogus ideas clobbered together in the Middle Ages?


And don't say 'but thats's not real' cause it is. If you remember, it says in the Bible:


'If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.'


....What?!?!? That verse is referring to (symbolically) what we can do if we have faith in Jesus as Christians! Not about the existence of magic spells!!!!


Oh and BTW I'm very happy I saved so MANY people a bunch of typing :D:p

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Originally posted by Thrawn

Yes, I am very much against it! No such thing as witchcraft, eh? Well go HERE and see that witchcraft is very real, and very dangerous. There are such thing as witches, and they are evil. I am a Christian. I don't know if you are or not, and I'm not condemning you or praising you either way, but as a Christian I believe that there are two kinds of powers: those that come from God, and those that come from Satan. Witches do not get their power from God, they get their power from Satan. In essence a witch is someone who worships Satan and his evil. They proclaim that they aren't evil and that they don't do evil things, but that is a lie. In the Harry Potter books they don't show the bad side. Want to know one thing witches do? They sacrifice animals to Satan. Whether that be your dog, your neighbors cat, or some other animal they find outside on their night of sacrifice. That part isn't in the books, is it? They cast curses and call upon the powers of Satan and demons to do it. Also, when they want you to join, they just say, "We aren't a cult, we don't worship Satan, we aren't evil." And so it starts out as just some innocent fellowship. . . Then however, it changes. the meetings get wierder. You have to say wierd things that you don't know what they mean. You have to start bowing before things. And you, yes YOU begin to become a witch, and worship Satan. Well, they don't have the Satanism part in the books do they? They somehow forgot that part along with the sacrifices. If you want to read Harry Potter, i can't stop you, but I can caution you: Don't think that what you are reading is true. And don't ever think that there is such thing as a good witch. . .


Satan is not mentioned ONCE in HP! I read HP!

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Which is exactly why Harry Potter is so bad! They don't tell you that in real life there are witches, and that they do worship Satan. Also, everyone always says that all the violence on TV desensitizes kids to violence. Well the same is true with Harry Potter. "Hmm, I read Harry Potter. He was a witch and nothing bad happened to him. I guess it's ok to be a witch w/ my best friend." Is that what we want little kids thinking?


The comparison to pornography is as follows: It's not bad to read Harry Potter right? But it IS bad to be a witch in real life? Harry Potter is only fantasy though. It's just a book. So as long as you seperate truth from fiction, it's fine to read Harry Potter as much as you want? Well than that means that although pornography is bad in real life, in magazines and books its ok. Because after all, it's only a magazine/book. As long as you can seperate truth from fantasy, there's no problem right?


I can see that there's not much point to this argument. It's all turning out to be flames and arguments between people who love Harry Potter and those that hate him. We could all probably be using our time more effectively talking about things that we ALL like (like Star Wars). :)

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Where did your knowledge of witches come from? Do you know someone who is one? Did you see someone flying on a broomstick? Witches in the way that you mean DON'T exist, period. There are, however, people who worship satan and sacrafice goats and stuff (sick buggers they are), but those are few...and they really cant cause any 'magical' harm.


All the HP movie does is to fuel up kids imaginations, they all wanna become wizards. But when they grow older, they learn to separate thruth from fiction. When you first saw Star Wars, didnt you wanna become a starfighter pilot? Well, howmany pilots are there today, that became pilot because they saw starwars? None, but there are always exceptions (because we live in a world with 5000.000.000 people) just like the 'real' witches.


And your argument about pornography I didnt fully understand: you are saying that the stuff they do in pornographic mags. is bad? If so....alot of people are in trouble!


And maybe it is the best to stop this thread now, but I could just not resist posting :)

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