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Harry Potter

Guest Morgues

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Mr. Thrawn... You need to cool down about the witch. Harry Potter is a good wizard. THere is a Dark Art Wizard and Good wizard. SO the people you are talking about are the Dark Art Wizard. Thought I tell you that there is a Bad side and a Good side. Harry Potter is on the Good Side.

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"Which is exactly why Harry Potter is so bad! They don't tell you that in real life there are witches, and that they do worship Satan. Also, everyone always says that all the violence on TV desensitizes kids to violence. Well the same is true with Harry Potter. "Hmm, I read Harry Potter. He was a witch and nothing bad happened to him. I guess it's ok to be a witch w/ my best friend." Is that what we want little kids thinking?"


Any kid with a brain could tell the difference between using a wand to cast spells and flying on broomsticks to sacrificing cats and conducting seances. :rolleyes:


"The comparison to pornography is as follows: It's not bad to read Harry Potter right? But it IS bad to be a witch in real life? Harry Potter is only fantasy though. It's just a book. So as long as you seperate truth from fiction, it's fine to read Harry Potter as much as you want? Well than that means that although pornography is bad in real life, in magazines and books its ok. Because after all, it's only a magazine/book. As long as you can seperate truth from fantasy, there's no problem right?"


Like I said, there IS NO REAL LIFE WITCH!!!! At least not in the Harry Potter sense. And pornography isn't a fantasy world, it's putting sexuality on display. NOT FICTION. If the concept behind porn is fiction, I wonder where you came from.


"I can see that there's not much point to this argument. It's all turning out to be flames and arguments between people who love Harry Potter and those that hate him. We could all probably be using our time more effectively talking about things that we ALL like (like Star Wars)."


One question, Thrawn: Is there a God in Star Wars?



(Yes, I know I'm partially just repeating what Zendjir said, but I had to get it out. :D)


And..er...SW seems to be off in a dreamland :D

(hint: Dark Art Wizards don't exist :D )

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Guest Supreme Warlord

The Force is "god" in the Star Wars universe... However I do agree with redwing in porno and in "witch" they dont exist. Redwing you will make an excellent debator in the future i am sure of that :)

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bah, this is so blatently stupid.....


Thawn, do you hate LoTR? Hell there witchs, wizards and evil dark overlords in that! *GASP* It is going to turn everyone into saten worshipers! :rolleyes:


Hell there is even a creation story if you care to dive into the extended history, and his name Eru, not jesus, man that is plainly evil. :rolleyes:


On a side not, I liked the HP books, but they merchantdise it so much that and it is in your face ALL the time, to the extent that sometimes you just want to brake stuff.....even more frustrating, is they are doing the same danm thing to loTR. :evil6:

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Yeah this thread should indeed be closed, what had to be said has been said, all that remains now is flaming.


In the meantime I'm going to sacrafice some goats :D After I saw HP I just had this urge.....


For blood!!!!! :evil2: bwahaahahahahahaaaaaaa :)


Close it allready :)

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Well i hate HP anyway but i hell love LotR.

Here is a story that one my friends experienced..........

One Night he was going to a party even thoguh he didn't really want to go but he did.............. He arrived there and after having an ok inght he asked who these people who were in a circle were.

THe answer was that they were witches and wizards worshipping Satan... Saying their prayers backwards. He got out of this palce as soon as possible but one thing on HP... HP doesn't say that their is evil witches and wizards but LotR points that out. Also on Sarcastic Saint, U believe their is no god but if their was no god then their is no us and no earth and nothing because u can't jsut land in the midldle of the earth that is not real. Something must have created us and msot things point to God. As a christian i believe in God and Jesus

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PEOPLE!!! It's just a fershtooken movie! And a kiddie movie at that! Here you are spewing on and on about witchcraft and sorcery and porno and Satan and all that junk! Good Lord.


I don't want to close this, because I like discussion, but this is going to turn ugly.



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