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Star Wars Spam!!!

Tie Guy

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Guest SlashAndBurn

"Who made this man a gunner?"-Dark Helmet

"I did sir he's my cousin."-Lt Spam

"Who is he?"-Dark Helmet

"He's a spam sir."-Col Sanders

"And his cousin?"-Dark Helmet

"He's a spam too sir. Gunners mate first class private spam."-Col Sanders


"How many spams do I have on this ship anyway?"-Dark Helmet



"I knew it I'm surrounded by spams. KEEP FIRING SPAMS!"-Dark Helmet



Whooops, wrong movie...:D

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"I sense an unusual amount of fear, for something as trivial as this spam dispute." - Qui-Gon, TPM


"I'm sorry, I had no spam." - Lando, ESB


"Uh oh, this is not spam!" - Anakin, TPM


"What a piece of spam!" - Leia, ESB


"I have encountered a virgince in the spam." - Qui-Gon, TPM


"I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to spam." - Amidala, TPM


"A communications disruption can mean only one thing: spam." - Senator Bibble, TPM (I don't know how to spell his name)


"After her! This spam's a decoy!" - Nute Gunray, TPM


"It's too cold for spam!" - Rebel Technician, ESB

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"Are you a spam?"

"A what?"

"A spam, they are the most annoying things in all the universe. They live on the boards of...LucasForums...i think." -Anikan


"If you spam me down i will become more powerfull than you can possibly imagine." -ObiWan


"Luke, are you alright, you've switched off your spamming computer" -officer


"I used to bullseye spam in my T-16 back home, tehy are much bigger than two meters." -Luke


"The shaft is ray shielded so we'll have to use proton torpedoes." -General Dodana


"Thats impossible, even for a spammer." -Pilot guy

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@ Tie Guy: Yeah, I remember, Lynk's "This is Madness!" thread :D


You referred to the prophecy of the one who would bring balance to the forums. You believe it's this...spam?


Let the spam flow through you, boy!


The spam is strong with this one.


He has the highest concentration of spam I've ever seen in a lifeform.


That's no moon. It's a spam station.

It's too big to be a spam station!


Two spammers against a Spam Destroyer?

The spam cannon will fire several shots...

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We can enter the forums thorugh the spam on the waterfall side


The difficulty's getting into the forums, one we're inside, we shouldn't have any spam.


What, nothing can get past our spam!


Hey, you! Throw me another spam!


I felt a disturbance in the forums, the last time i felt it was in the presence of my former spam.


Spam up and head back to the surface. And see if you can't get a couples of those spammers to follow you.

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Join me and together we can spam this forum as father and son!


Fear leads to anger, anger leads to flaming, flaming leads to spamming.


Begin landing your spam.

But my lord, is that...legal?

I will make it legal.


Spam. Spam will keep the local forums in line... fear of this spam station.


Moderator, the spammers are coming into our forum.

Good. Our first catch of the day.

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*dredges up another old one*


If only you knew the power of the spam side. Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your moderator, did he?


He told me enough! He told me you banned him.


No, Luke. I am your moderator!


N-No! That's---impossible!


Search your forums, Luke, you know it to be true!







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Originally posted by Redwing

*dredges up another old one*


If only you knew the power of the spam side. Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your moderator, did he?


He told me enough! He told me you banned him.


No, Luke. I am your moderator!


N-No! That's---impossible!


Search your forums, Luke, you know it to be true!









hmmm.... I know a moderator who is a bit like that... ;)


Lemme see:


"Are you a spammer?"


"What makes you think that?"


"You had a huge post count... only spammers have those... "


"I can see there's no fooling you, young newbie"





"No one can ban a spammer"


"I wish it were so.."




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Originally posted by Redwing

*dredges up another old one*


If only you knew the power of the spam side. Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your moderator, did he?


He told me enough! He told me you banned him.


No, Luke. I am your moderator!


N-No! That's---impossible!


Search your forums, Luke, you know it to be true!






Oh man that is good*Rotfl*:D


"I bring you a gift...these two cans of SPAM" -Luke


"This is Rogue SPAM reporting in" -Wedge


"If you ban me now I shall SPAM more than you can ever imagine" -Obi-One

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You're not actually going into a spam field?



The blockade is finished! We dare not go against the Moderators.


Viceroy, get this stunted spam out of my forum.



It's a Super Spam Destroyer!



(Next quote is dedicated to Rommel :D )


That is correct, Moderator. And he is most displeased with your apparent lack of banning.


...We shall double our efforts.


I hope so, Moderator, for your sake. The Admins are not as forgiving as I am.

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