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Puzzle nr. 3

Wraith 8

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I have got a puzzle for you:


Dont answer at once or think you have the answer. Look at it first. Ver carefully.

tell me the PRECISE answer. no 'something like this'


ok here comes:


Will sais that Jack lies.

Jack sais that Bill lies.

Bill sias that Will and Jack both lie.


Who is the liar?


a.) Will lies

b.) Jack lies

c.) Will and Jack both lie


oh and another thing. Dutch guys are not allowed to play along... because this is one of the questions in the national sientist test.

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I say that Bill is the one that must be lying. Because if he says that Will lies then that means that when Will says that Jack lies, he's lying and Jack DOESN'T lie, but then the second part of Bill's answer is wrong. So he is lying. If that's the case then Will WASN'T lying, so Bill is completely wrong. Get it? Bill's lying. :D

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guy guys...... i gave you 3 answers to choose from:


a.)Will lies

b.)Jack lies

c.)Willl and Jack both lie


and i do not see an answer BILL...... sorry... ok some of you said:

b. Jack lies.... explain it to me.... how come...

c. Will and Jack both lie...... same story : WHY!

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Guest Sarcastic Saint

Note: yes i am dutch but i havent seen the national test.



I think its = C....why?? simple....because you cant choose Bill as a liar....therefore he must speak the truth.


So my answer....= C, Jack and Will are both liars

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That is very interesting..... you know a lot of people from my class picked him.

but i did this question with 2 other guys... and we came to the answer and we know why. ill tell tonight or tomorrow ok... first i want some more answers. and YD... if you re online again... i think you got the test to didnt you?? from Edje.... so you must know something .......


OK Dutch guys are allowed to enter now....

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Will sais that Jack lies.

Jack sais that Bill lies.

Bill sias that Will and Jack both lie.


Who is the liar?


a.) Will lies

b.) Jack lies

c.) Will and Jack both lie


i cant believe this tho.... no one had the right answer to this.

the answer is A.) Will lies.


ok...here comes:


first let me tell you why c is wrong.

Bill sias that Will and Jack both lie. so that means that Will is telling the truth adn that when he sais that Jack lies. but Jack sais that Bill lies. and he would be acording to Bill tell the truth, that Bill is lying. So that is not possible in this case. (hope you get it.. if not look and read closely)


now ill explain why b is wrong:

Jack sais that Bill lies. Well we just said that Bill was wrong. so Jack IS telling the Truth. Bill is lie-ing. so B is wrong because Jack does NOT lie but tells the truth.


well that leaves us with A:

Will sais that Jack lies. We just said that Jack is telling the Truth. so Will is wrong when he sais that Jack lies. SO he is the liar.


I hope you all get it.. if not just ask.

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