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Special avatar for Raven developers?


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The guys at raven will be visiting and interacting here a lot more soon, so thats an excellent idea buckeye. I've spoken with zero, and it's now going to be a competition :)


The winning designs will win a @jediknightii.net email address forward. I'll post it up in the news with some rules asap, as well as an official thread.


Very good idea......... hrmmmmm glad i thought of it :)


nah, good stuff buck.

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Oh, it works very well. I got the idea from 3DR's forums. All you have to do is browse through a thread there and Joe's (the webmaster) or one of the developers' posts stick out great. See it in action: http://forums.3drealsm.com



Edit: Wups Gonk, looks like you got a post in right before I could read it. And yeah, I probably would have never thought of it if weren't for 3DR's forums (but who knows who thought of it before them. :)) It works especially well there because those are the only avatars allowed, but I doubt members here want to give up the privilege to have them (and rightly so; they're cool. :))

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Originally posted by Vagabond

My young padawans, I'm quite certain that the Raven developers are quite capable of creating a most impressive avatar, if they so choose ;)


I think they better spend all their time working on the game :)

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