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How'd ya like Monkey 4?


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I thought Monkey 4 was dissapointing. Not enough Murray or Stan, no Lemonhead, no Wally, no Largo, NO GOODSOUP , boring Monkey Kombat, NOT ENOUGH INSULTS! Too many plot contradictions, not as funny as CMI (in my opinion, the funniest of them all), annoying keyboard play, bad 3d (you can't see the char's emotions), confusing plot, abrupt ending, too little inventory items, too many pop-culture references instead of classic LucasArts humor, Elaine's voice was British before, now its American? Although the voices were great, the dialogue wasn't as good.



However my opinion can't stand alone.

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I hated EMI. Some of you may have read this story before but, o well, i'm telling it again! When i heard there was going to be a MI4 i started jumping and dancing around my room I was SO excited! when i got it I couldn't wait to play it. When i finished...... i burst out in tears. It was SO horrible. They had ruined it. They had screwed up the plot, the music didnt have as good sound quality as in MI3, and Murray. Murray was my FAVOURITE character out of all the MI games.....even tho he was only in CMI.

He was given a bit part and was completely..... square. He looked like a white box with black dots painted on him. and he wasnt funny. At All.

I agree with some of you. EMI just plain sucked. I could go on and on....but i wont. MI WAS the greatest series ever....untill they ruined it with EMI.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been accused of being to sinically critical in the past so I'll offer a few comments on each game using only POSSITIVE thoughts:


Secret of Monkey Island, The:

A wonderful adventure game. This game was never under-rated, everyone seemed to love it from the start. The Plot, Characters, humor, music and atmosphere was all perfect. This game offered very few glitches or coding errors, and a world of in-jokes... offering a new experience in the way of 2D Adventure Games.


LeChuck's Revenge:

Supurb! Many would think a game made only a year after it's original was a little rushed, but this was not the case. Once again coding errors were minimal, Chracter development was supurb and the envirnment was teriffic. What's more the development team were NOT lazy and didn't re-use original locations or Character sprites (well we can except Elaine: the girl who dosen't age).


Curse of Monkey Island, The:


Escape From Monkey Island:

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Originally posted by Haggis

And what are the negative comments on CMI and EMI?


Curse of Monkey Island:

After playing MI2 all the way through without any help of any kind (taking me quite some time), you can imagine how I felt about this installment. I played MI2 through in '92 or '93, but it wasn't until 2000 I played CMI based on the fact Joseph assured me it was a great game and had written "there's a monkey in my pocket and it's stealing all my change, his stare is blank and glassy I suspect that he's deranged" on his bag in his weird writing.


None the less, the move to a cartoon-style game with voice really bothered me. MI1 helped me (a lot I think) to read better, and I always enjoyed the mystery of silent speach. If I watch a forign movie it will be subtitled and not voice-overed.


Playing this game wasn't too dificuilt, I chose the harder setting, but only the first act and some of the 3rd proved to have any real puzzles and the sword-fighting was disappointing to say the least.


Then there were character problems, for instance Wally was a very strong young man who wouldn't burst into tears or submit to being a pirate; Elaine who LIKES Guybrush, Guybrush who's not Guybrush... the list goes on (Stan, Voodoo Lady).


Escape From Monkey Island:

This game is so poor I shouldn't bother with a review.



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I totally agree that EMI was a HUGE disappointment.


I was very sceptical to CMI when I saw that they hadd dropped SCUMM, but as the game developed, I didn't really miss it that much.


I had the same feeling with the 3D graphics in EMI. However, this didn't at all change during the game. Guybrush was at certain times almost impossible to control, Murray was now a white box and Elaine looked as if she had a cinstant extremely-bad-hair-day.


Monkey Kombat was ok, but there should have been some Insult swordfighting, Insult darts, Insult curling or whatever.


Missed Wally, but I was glad to see Meathook again.


I've never particulary liked the endings (or rather; the final puzzle)of any of the MI games, but in EMI it was horrible. Guybrush could at least have won the Monkey Kombat vs. LeChuck/Ozzie.


The cutscenes were great, though, especially the onw in the bank, and the one where Guybrush finds the bronze hat of Tiny LaFeet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not crazy or anything, but i downloaded a efmi demo from C-net and thought it was good, so I got the game not even trying the first or second ones.....but i went to a site and looked for donloads for M I 1,2,and 3.......but M I 1,and,2 wont work on my pc because of system programs.MY PC IS TOO NEW!!

so i tried monkey island 3 and it worked but the demo was over in less than five min. so i got rid of it.in other words i have never played M i 1,2,or 3. THAT SUCKS!!!!!!!:mad: :mad:

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