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The Azemeen family


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hi people! who is your favorite XWA character? I tell you mine is Aeron. :) I don't have a sis, but two brothers, so I've had that feeling when I was playing, the whole game was soooo real.

I've got a family, I'm not a loner and so on. I'm a little bit sad for I had to leave my cyber-family behind, but I won't forget them.... :)


so, what doyou think? do you have the same feeling too? or I'm just stupid... :rolleyes:

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It's been a while since I played all the way through as well.


Having the family storyline made this the most involving X-Wing title to date. Up to then you were always some nameless pilot with no history off to kill Imps.


I thought Lucasarts did a good job balancing the personal conflict with the big-picture galactic struggle.


I hope it's something they continue in all thier future games.


Areon is my fave, cuz she's a babe! ;)

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I like Aeron becuz she is sooo cool! she has a good sense of humor and beside that I (Ace) have been her favorite! :) I know that she can be a really tough gal too.


Emon is a good sidekick if we fly into battle. he always cares about me not to kill myself....has a great accent.


Emkay....what should I say. :rolleyes: that silly bot. I'm just smiling when my little family arguing with MK....


so, I think LA did a good job about this "family-business" story.


ps: okay guys....it's just a game. take it easy.

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