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Rhett's semi-useless trivia of the day!

Boba Rhett

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Have you ever wished you could safely jog naked? You haven't? ok, never mind then... *cough*


but in case you have..... couldn't you do so if you were radio active and glowed so people could see you? But wait! If you were radio-active you wouldn't glow! That's just something hollywood writers came up with. If you were to ever run into a spent fuel cell canster it wouldn't make you glow, but you would have recieved a lethal dose within seconds and gained no super human glowing powers. :(


High-energy radioactive particles sometimes cause other stuff to glow, but that's the exception, not the rule. For example:


Cerenkov radiation. Perhaps you've seen depictions of the eerie blue glow emanating from spent nuclear fuel that's stored underwater. That's Cerenkov radiation. It occurs when beta particles (electrons) travel faster than the speed of light.


Fluorescence. When certain compounds are struck by radiation, they glow. For instance, glow-in-the-dark watch dials used to be painted with a mixture of radium and zinc sulfide. Radiation from the former caused the latter to fluoresce. There's nothing magical or dangerous about fluorescence; it can be caused by lots of things, including ordinary sunlight. The radioactive material itself emits no visible light.


Bremsstrahlung. When a charged particle speeds up, slows down, or changes direction, it emits bremsstrahlung radiation. Typically bremsstrahlung consists of invisible X rays, but under certain circumstances it can be visible, making it the closest thing to a glow arising from radioactivity itself. It usually requires some sort of medium though.




I guess it's back to spray painting yourself yellow and carrying a flashlight. :(


Oh, btw, go post here!: http://www.lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=198

Get some interesting topics going! I have some over there just waiting for posts! :D

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Hmmmmmmmmm well heres my chance



Come here rhett my freind sit down please it's a comphy chair.

now whats bothering you do you have to much work on your hands hmmmmmmm i can help you with that take 20 doses of this highly potent medication every day and you'll feel alooooooot better (gives rhett perscription) now be sure to take 20 doses a day the more the better you may even take more oh yes and till you get better you can give me your Super mod status whenn you get back i'll give it back to you.



Rhett leaves to get medication and says well if i'm not better soon i'll give you the status but only till i get back.


rhett leaves

dlephi laughs sinisterly Muhahahaha

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Guest Supreme Warlord

I whole heartly agree with WC_Heavyarm. You got to get a job man...You cant be yoda and be stoned forever.;) man seriously this should be spamming. Hey Who cares anyway because you are a mods and do anything you please to do. :)

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Intellectual and thought-provoking. Uhhh hold on for a second


*runs off to a spot and rofl. THen comes back after about 5 mins*


Ummm it may be for Boba Rhett and yours Rogue Nine... You guys really dont have a high brainpower after all:D :D :D ;):p


Oh sorry that was not funny insulting the mods...yet it is :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Guest Supreme Warlord

OOOH IS THAT A COMEBACK?! LOL j/k Hey true at least you use your brain. what's yall IQ? My is 140 to 155. 100 is average.

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

How can you be doing AP Chem in 10th grade? It's college-level and insanely hard.


Maybe he means AG Chem. I'm in 10th grade and they don't allow us to take AP courses. Next year though i'll take 5 or 6 i think, depending on what courses i'm required to take. (argh!)

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

:p, I took one AP course sophomore year, AP American History. Fun stuff. The years that followed were filled with many more. Ick. I love overachieving.


Yeahg, thats what my brother did (he's really smart, he got a 1600 on his SAT. argh!!!), but now they required that everyone take ELP, so i have to take that instead of AP US history like i want to be taking. So, now that they require that you can't take an AP course in 10th grade, even though i took world history last year.

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