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Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault MP demo OUT!!

Darth Lunatic

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Yeah, i was hoping for the team mode as well, or the objective mode...which sounds even better.


But trust me, this game is still awesome fun even in free for all!!


This is only a minor flaw, but theres no blood , you can't tell if your bullet hit a guy or not. I heard the blood was completely taken out to reduce the rating on the game (so more kiddies could buy it)? That is THE worst reason i have ever heard.

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Originally posted by Darth Lunatic

"...I heard the blood was completely taken out to reduce the rating on the game (so more kiddies could buy it)? That is THE worst reason i have ever heard..."


MoHaa is based on WW2. i think all WW2 games should be rated mature and over with or without blood. if EA wanted a game for little kiddies why didn't they buy the rights for a Harry Potter, Power Rangers, Po Bear game or something like that.

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It is possible to enable teamplay in the MOHAA demo. Here's how.


Hidden teamplay mod in demo!

DEMO | @ 11:40 CET | Wesley


Quiet just posted this on our forum:


"mohaanetdemo.exe +set developer "1" +set ui_console 1 +set g_gametype 2 +map dm/mohdm6

I've been told this sets a server in team play mode.


Also if you change the 2 to a 3 or 4 you can get other gameplay modes, supposedly."


Looking at the command line it also seems you can switch maps to.


UPDATE: Racsan tested it and it works! There are a few cacheind error but the level loads and you can choose a team!! To play with a maximum of 16 players and more then 1 use this shortcut:


MOHAANetDemo.exe +set developer "1" +set ui_console 1 +set g_gametype 2 +sv_maxclients 16 +map dm/mohdm6


Thanks AlliedAssault.net

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F**** ***** ****** or that'll probably get cesored but OMG!!!!!

137 meg!!!!

No blood?? WW2..... Nazis... Guns???? U gotta be kidding me... that's what they do in australia to games!!! :( Now i feel the pain they take :mad:

Maybe some1 will make a mod!

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I agree that having no blood in the game is a bit ridiculous, especially as they were aiming for greater realism. It is supposed to be a war, after all...and I don't care how thick someone's uniform is, because if you get shelled, you get cut to ribbons.


As for downloading it, that's a bit too hefty for me. I'd probably get disconnected a few times...and progs like Gozilla and GetRight can't always reconnect properly. I think it's down to my ISP (BTInternet), who introduced some verification code as a security measure, and threw a 2-hour auto-disconnect into the bargain. :mad:


Besides, I'm not sure I'll be able to play online properly even if I do download it. I think I'll have to wait for an SP demo to see this title in action.


*gnashes teeth with much horrid crunching noise*


But you guys knock yourselves out. ;)

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Oh, and the no-blood crap is ridiculous, period. You know, I don't mind that much that they kept it out for uniform reasons or kiddie reasons. But when it hurts the gameplay, it pisses me off a lot. They quite possibly ruined this game by not putting blood in. You simply cannot tell if you are hitting somebody or not.

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I agree 100% with Canoli, it actually takes something away from the gameplay. No, we're not bloodthirsty, it just doesn't feel or look right, not to mention how hard it is to tell if you hit someone or not.


And I would have liked to see a real teamplay map as well, like the Wolfenstein TEST. Hopefully the full version will have a lot more going for it.

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guys move too slow, I hope people don't treat the rocket launcher like they do in this map in the full version (Quake III), and I would have liked to have a teamplay may. I guess no blood is ok...I mean...i still cannot tell...but really blood isn't squirting out when you really shoot someone...so why should it on the "realistic" game.


I had major mouse issues


also- when I shot a sniper w/ heavy infantry for like 5 sec he didn't die...wierd and he shot me


also- the guys move too slow...say I wanted to run across an open area...poof im dead.


Final Say-MP still not as good as dod as far as I've seen, SP better have some kick to it and MP better have some improvements.

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Guys do move slower than most games, which is good! Reduces that running, jumping around bs that you see so much in counter strike and quake3.


Since the game has aimed to be a tad more realistic than other FPS (yet the occlusion of blood contradicts that aim), you have to think twice before running out in the open. In real war i assume doing something like that would make you a sitting duck to other soldiers.


Day Of Defeat is still a lot more realistic than MOHAA. Unfortunately the graphics are outdated, and reduce some of the immersion that come with good graphics.


Multiplayer wise MOHAA still has a long way to go.


Another complaint.

The map we were given was Stalingrad, which doesnt really feel like Stalingrad. Not that i've been there, but judging from books, movies and other sources i've seen i thought Stalingrad was reduced to ruins. You know piles of rubble, destroyed buildings everywhere. Rooms with tables, chairs, paintings, bits of paper strewn all over the place. Instead the rooms seem to be in pristine condition, theres nothing you would typically find in a destroyed building....! Where's all the little details that make you believe you are really there?


This game appears to have snippets of brilliance, but unfortunately theres a lot of annoying features, or lack of, associated with it.

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Originally posted by Darth Lunatic

Guys do move slower than most games, which is good! Reduces that running, jumping around bs that you see so much in counter strike and quake3.


okay, i dont mine runng slow but only if it a team based mode. If there gonna have deathmatch then you should beable to move faster. EA have wasted there time putting in a deathmatch mode. With the speed u walk MoHAA should only have teamplay.

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So is the full version gonna have no blood in it or is it just this demo? If it's not gonna have any blood in it this MOHAA might not sell very well, I mean I want realism in games that I play, when I shoot somebody in a FPS I expect blood to come out, otherwise it just doesn't seem real at all.

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And there excuse is that the Nazi uniforms are thick and you can't really see blood???? That is the most pathetic excuse I've ever heard for not incorprating a little realism in the game that'll make it better. I hope SOF2 and Unreal2 and JK2 blow MOHAA outta the water in the sales.

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No blood is a big let down.


ON the running speed. You people probably already know this, but pressing Q puts your gun away, with your gun away you run faster. A good idea when going across large open spaces.


You can also hit guys in the head with your pistol handle. Pistol whipping. I think it's more embarrasing than being knifed in CS.

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