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Rhett's Trivia of the Day! Dec 16th

Boba Rhett

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*whew* I'm gonna have to cut back to once or twice a week. ;)




Why is it such a cruel world for us left-handers? Think about it. Everything in the world is designed to accommodate right handers. Cars, doors, houses, computers, desks, etc.


When I was still going to public school, they forced me to sit in these horribly uncomfortable right handed desk that had no place for left handers to write on. It was horrible! I thought it was mandatory for schools to have at least a few left hander desks.


Why does the word "left" literally mean "wrong"? Why do people ask why we don't use our right hands? How amazingly stupid is that? Left handers used to be burned at the stake because it was said that left handers were more prone to being warlocks and witches.


When my father was in school they were still doing such stupid things as tying left handers left arm behind them and forcing them to write with their right hand! That makes me soooo angry. :mad:


Why are people left-handed anyway? Is it some sort of evil curse? A cross that we are burdened to wear for the rest of our left-handed lives? There are two theories as two why people are left handed. Let’s go over then now. :)


Theory number one: This theory centers on the left and right halves of the brain. The left half controls the right half of the body and the right half controls the left.


The predominant left half theoretically renders your right side more skillful in reading, writing, speaking, and working, and makes most people right-handed. Lefties are a product of an inversion of this were the right brain predominates.


Theory number two: The asymmetrical nature of the body. The left side of your face is different from the right; your right leg is longer than the left, etc.... The right hand is almost always the stronger hand.


Two last parting little bits of info: 1: Only about 4% of earth pop. are left-handed. 2: Left-handers compensate for the publics overall snobbery to left handers by being members of an elite society, which includes many of the greatest comedians, actors and geniuses, including Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and me. :D;)

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Guest BountyHunter

I deem your spam to be both insightful and thought provoking.


I feel your pain my left handed brother.


I have learned to adapt to the left hand burden and I can do most things with both hands. I feel bad for right handers. :boushh::ball:

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Originally posted by BountyHunter

I deem your spam to be both insightful and thought provoking.


I feel your pain my left handed brother.


I have learned to adapt to the left hand burden and I can do most things with both hands. I feel bad for right handers. :boushh::ball:


Well, I wouldn't call it spam but I'm glad you found it both of those things :D



Pitying right handers. Hmmm... Now thats an interesting concept. The reason behind such a thing could be that they'll never be able to fully know what it's like being, in essence, a pair of brown shoes in a tuxedo shop. :D Or perhaps it could be that becuase of our left-handedness and right brain dominance we are able to see things in a different perspective. The right and left brains don't see objects the same ya know. :)

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine



Hey Rhett, where do us ambidextrous people fall? :p


Heh. Actually I'm ambidextrous too but I fight the good fight for lefties. :D


I suppose in ambidextrous people cases, neither side of their brain has dominance over the other but that's just a stab in the dark.

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