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Lord of the rings...

Air Juggernaut

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Bad stuff is inherently cool. "LOOK AT THIS CRITTER MADE OUT OF FIRE AND STUFF." Fire just looks cool for no real reason, so anything made of fire will look cool. If the Balrog was made out of, say, wood or cheese it would just be ridiculous (especially cheese). If Tolkien didn't want the Balrog to be cool, then it shouldn't have been made out of fire and shadows.

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Yay Nute! You just beat up Guildy!


*pause while it sinks in*





Originally posted by K_Kinnison

THe only guys that remined clean were the elves. But yet seemed to have very shallow characters with no depth to them (except the Agent smith guy)

It wasn't because of their characters, it was because they were elves. Y'see, Tolkien's elves are adapted from the mythological Faerie Folk. They have a particular type of magic called Glamour, which means that (no matter what they look like), they project the image of being beautiful. This is why Legolas was always clean-shaven and freshly pressed, it was an illusion. In fact, part of the Glamour is what makes elves/fay so light of foot (when Legolas was walking over the snow).


Originally posted by Taarkin

How come every single person and place in the move has a crappy retarted name with like 824398 extra vowels?

Because Tolkien took place names from Wales (and various other places) when he was naming characters/places. IIRC, "Boromir" is/was an actual township somewhere in England.


The wierd vowls/consonants are a trademark of the Welsh language.


And incidentally, what trailers are you people seeing? I've heard that the Spiderman and AotC trailers are supposed to be running with it, but all I got was Austin Powers 3 ( :snear: ) and a few random teenie/chic flicks. :confused:

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It depends which chain you go to I guess.


I had a different set of trailers when I went to Cineplex than when I went to Famous Players.

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LOTR Movie= me drool


It was great. I think that everyone that goes to see it should read the books though. There were a few things that were changed and made a little more dramatic, but otherwise it does the books justice extremely well. It didn't hurt that the trailers for Spider-Man, Star Wars, and Men In Black II were all in front of the movie either:D

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Monte Cristo is my second favorite story of all time. I thought it was 10 times the book Musketeers was. Just an amazing and enthralling tale.


I'm looking forward to the movie, but they can't possibly do justice to the book in one movie any more than they could with Lord of the Rings.


If anyone has qualms about how they are turning out, comfort yourselves that Jackson didn't get stuck with Miramax, who wanted to do the trilogy in one movie.

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