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Lord of the rings...

Air Juggernaut

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Even with her expanded role, Arwen only gets about 6 or 7 minutes of screen time, or so I've heard.


PJ is changing Aragorn's character arc. He is deepening it, making him less a static epic character and into more of a real one. Aragorn is my favorite character, but he is very one-dimensional in the books.


I believe much of Arwen's expansion is geared towards the changes in Aragorn. Personally, I'm thrilled. Their section of the Appendix was always my favorite.


As for other characters, their development is toned down in the first installment. This movie belongs to Aragorn and Gandalf, with a fairly strong slant on Frodo. I believe Sam, Gimli and Legolas will be given their due attention in the next two movies. Helm's Deep in particular should be important for L and G. Merry and Pippen should start their arcs while in captivity and in Fangorn forest.

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they took out Tom Bombadil! i was fairly upset when i'd heard they'd done that, but i understand why...it's not like he's a critical character, but he was one of my favorites...and Sam is my other favorite :) he's just so cute and loyal and...oh i dunno, i like him :) Aragorn rocks too, he's just so all-knowing and everything...plus Viggo Mortensen is hot ;)


As for Harry Potter, i loved the books. i didn't like some of the ways they changed the movie, but it was understandable given how long it ended up being with the editing. my favorite part of harry potter is Quidditch. i think it's the coolest idea, and they did the Quidditch match really well in the movie. furthermore, i've read Narnia...and i didn't like it.

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I've never liked Tom Bombadil. I skip over him half the time I read the book, and I've always known any screen version of LotR will skip him. :)


It is a shame the barrow downs part would be nearly impossible to realize in a Bombadil-free movie. That is a very creepy scene.

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The Qidditch match was extremely poorly done in the movie, effects wise. It could have been a LOT better, considering what they're capable of doing. I mean look at Pearl Harbor and Attack of the Clones. The effects in those are VERY well done, but Harry Potter came up short. I found the CONCEPT interesting, but it could have been better done. The 'stadium' or whatever looked very fakey.

LOTR's effects look pretty good. I saw the one trailer back when I saw Pearl Harbor (oddly) and that was the first time I'd seen any footage or pics. It looked REALLY nice on the big screen. Maybe it just looked that way because it was flanked by the Planet of the Apes and Tomb Raider trailers ;)

I tried to get LOTR tickets today but came up short :(

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Well! I've seen the movie now... hmm... Y'know, it's not what I expected!

I have to say, I'm glad I read the book or I'd have had no idea what was going on!

And I love Sam! And Pippin and Merry. They're great. And Legolas and Boromir are awefully cute. ^_^

And I did not like how they portrayed Galadriel as an evil witch! AGH! That part was terrible.


It didn't match up to my imagination, but all in all, it wasn't so bad. I think I'll go see it again!




But be forewarned: anyone who has not read the book will have no clue what is happening. And this is important: whenever certain characters begin to suddenly look all evil, they're not actually possessed and demonic. It is all in Frodo's mind! It's terrible that that wasn't explained, but it is the Ring playing tricks on him; making him think that these people are after his Ring and all. They're not demonic - it's the ring trying to trick Frodo!

And Galadriel is in no way evil, no matter how the movie portrays her! Remember that.

Arwen's expanded role didn't bother me that much, but I would have liked to have seen Glorfindel. C'est la vie.

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If you want to look deeper, Galadriel is close kin with Feanor. Her bloodline has produced the most glorious and tragic elves in the mythology. She certainly has the potential to let pride rule her.


When we are given a vision of what she would be like with the ring she is changed into something "beautiful and terrible." This is how it happens in the book, and it sounds similar in the movie.

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I loved every minute of it. Every part in the book that kept me from wanting to have a movie version is gone, but it is stunningly there . Lord of the Rings in all its glory.


It was better than anything I expected. I can't wait to see it again, tomorrow most likely. :)

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Saw it yesterday. I loved it.


I have read the books before, but it was so long ago I've forgotten just about everything.


The thing that really impressed me was how well they did the different sized characters. They used digital effects and CGI rather than the standard forced perspective and camera tricks --it was awesome!


What I didn't like was the directorial stunt that almost every director uses nowadays of filming fight scenes with tight closeups, split-second cuts, and a shakey camera. :(


I know the director wants the audience to feel like they're in the scene, but all they end up doing is making the audience sick as they try to keep track of what's happening.




Originally posted by guildenstern

And I did not like how they portrayed Galadriel as an evil witch! AGH! That part was terrible.


Uh, how was she evil? She delivered a warning to the Ring Bearer that ended up saving nearly all their lives. If she hadn't warned Frodo about the Fellowship breaking up, he'd have stuck with the others at the end and they all would've gotten killed instead of just Boromir.


Galadriel didn't come across as evil (not to me, anyway), just as very powerful and very aware. Just like any Faerie Lord/Lady I'd expect.



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