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Do you play online and if yes, how ?


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Since i don't play on the Zone, i'm stuck to sending out pm's to people, asking them if they are able to do a quick game.

I only pm those that are online at that time.


Last weekend i sent out... wait for it... 27 pm's to online people.

I got responses from 8 of them.

And about half of them could actually play.


All of this begs the question; if the Zone is so bad, and we're down to playing IP-matches, how is that going to work properly if this is the current situation ?


Do you play online and if yes, how ?


Do you use the Online Playing Forum to get IP-matches ?


Let us know..

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hhhmmm this is an interesting one...the zone is terrible but unless i have pals online (we will then ip through icq), i will happilly play on the zone. The problem about using pms and the online playing section is that you never know when people are gonna check them. If you could come up with a better system then i would definately use it ahead of the zone.


Although i wouldnt know how you could come up with a better system



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So far I've played ...


1 match on the zone wich I won

1 match ip against P_L ... I won, but both P_L and the computer didn't realize that :D ... okay, I admit ... I lost


MSN messenger has an option Starting GB too ... I don't know if that's another way to start it. Never tested it.


What I think would be cool is a Lucagames Messenger system. Kinda like msn or ICQ ... linked to your forum name.


But that would be hard to make ... wouldn't it?

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Guest Chad Skywalker

All the Zone is, is a big IRC for you to meet people. You are really playing an IP game, just not giving out your IP, it does that for you.


So all you need to do is create an IRC chat or some form of chat room, and just advertise the heck out of it on all the GB boards to get people to come setup games.



I mostly do IP games with friends, but also use the zone to find some games.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

The zone is terrible indeed. THe cursing in there and the chaos that other unleash when a Mod is not around...(Right now I am wanted by them;) ) I dont do IP games because you can get my ip number and hack into my ports. THere are hackers out there with IP sniffers and sifters. However I got a firewall but it dont guarttee your saftely....:(

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Guest BountyHunter

I do play online...so far its only been the zone.

I need some work on my strats though. Like getting one. hehe.


I suppose I could play an IP game if the other person hosted with a high speed connection. I haven tried yet. :boushh:

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Guest jediaoe

i used to play on the zone untill the upgraded it and i can't do didly crap because i got NT. Im pretty much stranded untill i get a new comp.

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well, I always use the zone. There are usually players that are horrible and don't listen to a thing, like I had a Dm rookies game and this guy rushed me 5 minutes into the game with wookies. The new zone system is ****. It used to be good, now it has gone down considerably.

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I play multiplayer on the zone,it works good for me.I play alot of games using the msn messanger start feature with clan members.The zone is a bad place to play if somone did come up with another way to play that could handle the amount of players the zone does and moderate the trash out unlike the zone id be there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate the zone. I have this f'd up firewall that doesn't allow me to host cause i can't see anyone who joins after me, thus i have to be the last one to join (that sucks the most), and when i join a zone game, well, it scrambles the people, and i end up not joining last. So, IP is the only way I'm going to play Galactic Battlegrounds online. I think the instant messege system is the easiest way, i use AIM and MSN messenger.


Add these names to your list:


ATSTCommander@hotmail.com my MSN name

RogueFifteen my AIM name

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