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JK2 Weapons: 8 Down, 2 to go?


Which 2 weapons (if any) would you want translated from JK  

88 members have voted

  1. 1. Which 2 weapons (if any) would you want translated from JK

    • Repeater
    • Rail Detonator
    • Concussion Rifle
    • Carbon Gun
    • Mines
    • Blastech Pistol
    • Flash Bombs
    • None, I want something fresh from the Empire's vault

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Here's a list of JK2's weapons so far:


1.Stun Baton

2.Bryar Pistol

3.Stormtrooper Rifle


5.Thermal Detonators







First off, the Stun Baton. Is it useless? Why not just make an option to set the Stormtrooper Rifle for Stun, especially since it didn't even do anything different for alternate fire in JK. We already have a melee weapon(lightsaber), so I'm a bit worried about the future of this weapon. Another thing, it is likely it will be pointless in MP. :sweat:


I'm not worried about Kyle's custom gun, the Bryar Pistol. Glad to see it return.:)


The Stormtrooper Rifle has a scope just like in MotS, which should work well. Needless to say this weapon is a necessity in JK2.


The Bowcaster so far looks to be shaping up a lot better than the one from JK. It has a bit of splah damage which will go a long way in prolonging it's life as opposed to the Bowcaster from JK. Secondary fire is not yet known, but I'm assuming it will be the same as JK.


Thermal Detonators look WAY better now. A much bigger blast radius in order to, in my opinion, stay true to the films and EU. Me likes Raven:D


The Flachette is a new weapon that was announced in the November PC Gamer. While not a lot is known about this weapon, they say it shoots a bunch of tiny knives rapidly. Possibly the Repeater's replacement? Well I love the idea of this gun, but I know that the blood ammount will be limited in JK2. Wouldn't a bunch of knives deal massive bloodshed? It'll be interesting to see how they handle it. Very excited about it.:joy:


The Disruptor was also mentioned in the November PC Gamer. They didn't say anything at all about it. Sounds very cool though!:)


Then there's the best weapon I can possibly think of, the Lightsaber. No worries here.:) It looks like pure insane fun to me!:D


Assuming that JK2 will have 10 weapons by default like almost all FPS games, that leaves 2 left. However, we all remember that Mysteries of the Sith had more than 10.


That also leaves a few weapons from JK and MotS out:




3.Rail Detonator

4.Concussion Rifle

5.Carbon Gun

6.Blastech Pistol

7.Flash Bombs


I have always thought of the mines from JK to be a cowardly weapon. Then again I'm more of an in-your-face type player that like a straight up fight. I say dump 'em. They can do better than that.


The Repeater was one of the more useful weapons in JK. Whether long range or short, if you were good with it, you were able to hold your own against someone with a Rail Detonator or a Concussion Rifle. I think this weapon would be awesome on the Quake engine, but somehow I think it has been replaced by the Flachette.


I found the Rail Detonator more fun to use than the Conc., both in primary and secondary fire. It was funny to watch the other guy running around with a rail smoking on his face, then.... BOOM! I would rather they make something new, but this would definately be a cool weapon for JK2.


The Concussion Rifle was arguably the most used weapon in JK, and for a good reason, it completely overshadowed every other weapon, no matter how good you were. I always liked the Rail Det. better than this and always thought it was odd how a gun shot a bunch of air, and on top of that, the air hurts the other guy. Plus this gun is so NOT Star Wars. DUMP IT. You can come up with something waaaaaay better Raven.


Now to the cheapest weapon in JK, the Carbon Gun. Since JK relied on lag, for most players the Carbon Gun became a problem since it shot in such a huge radius, it was very hard to avoid once you got sucked in. I felt this weapon was just as unbalanced as the Con. Rifle, while not as bad. I couldn't say for sure this weapon would be horrible in JK2, but I would try something new before I would bother with this.


The Blastech Pistol is hardly mentionable, but I will. The only difference between this and the Bryar was the sound effect, and the ability to charge a shot(actually quite useful). However, why waste time on this gun, when they can just add the charging ability to the Bryar? The Bryar needs a second function anyway.:)


Finally, the worst JK-MotS weapon by far, the Flash Bombs.

I never used 'em. They deal 5 damage and barely blind em, what else is there to say? DUMP IT!


If I had to choose 2, I would want the Repeater and the Rail Detonator. What I really want is 2 new weapons. Then if there is room, add a few oldies I say.:D


Whatever Raven decides will be cool to me because they never let me down before and they always do a good job.:)

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Yeah, all good ideas.


I just hope to god that the disruptor is not the same disruptor that was in Shadows of the Empire (Yes, I actually played that pretty crappy game) In SotE the disruptor shot out this little green ball that when it came into contact with something just about everything in a 50 foot radius would suffer severe damage or be completly destroyed. (I think in the entire game you could use this gun only 6 times because all you could find were three cases of ammo, each contained two shots.)


PLEASE don't be the same disruptor, choas would insue and all of JKII:O multiplayer would be completly and utterly destroyed.


Ok, I'm done with my bleak and depressing comments for the day.

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I really like having remote-detonating explosives in FPS games. I'd prefer somehing like the detpacks from Red Faction over the mines from JK, though. Also, the Bowcaster has the scope for secondary fire, and we don't know yet what the stormtrooper rifle's secondary fire is. I think it will probably be a stun setting.


The stun baton will probably be like the knife in RtCW, with which you can sneak up behind someone and stab them in the back, resulting in an instant kill.WIth the stun baton, you'd sneak up behind someone and club them in the head, killing them swiftly and silently. This would be my weapon of choice in levels where stealth is necessary.


The Star Wars flechette launcher does not fire tiny knives, as PC Gamer states. That's what a real-life flechette gun does. Instead, the SW flechette launcher fires dozens of tiny missiles that explode on contact.


The disruptor will be my gun of choice, as it can reduce a person to a pile of ash in one shot, and can blow right through a meter-thick chunk of starship-grade durasteel. It does have a short range, though, of only 5-10 meters.


Rather than the rail detonator, JKII should have the PLX-2M missile tube, found in the Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology. Its missiles are heat-seeking and can be programmed with a target profile by the launcher, so it could either be fired straight, be set to heat-seek, or be targetted and launched at a specific enemy. Besides that, it looks cool, and its missiles are powerful enough to take out military airspeeders. :D

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Originally posted by Executer32

Also, the Bowcaster has the scope for secondary fire, and we don't know yet what the stormtrooper rifle's secondary fire is. I think it will probably be a stun setting.

Bowcastor primary fire= deals out splash damage

secondary fire = charge up 5 shot, minor splash

It will not have the scope.


I know the PC Gamer, Nov. Issue says it does, but a Raven developer came onto the forum and said it was a typo. Another weapon will be sporting a scope.


Originally posted by Executer32

The Star Wars flechette launcher does not fire tiny knives, as PC Gamer states. That's what a real-life flechette gun does. Instead, the SW flechette launcher fires dozens of tiny missiles that explode on contact.


Regardless, the JK2 flechette launcher will be sort of like a nail gun.



Originally posted by SlowbieOne

Another thing, it is likely it will be pointless in MP

You haven't even played the darn game yet and you're calling the gun useless.



I personally voted Repeater and Concussion Rifle..


The Concussion Rifle is fine as it is if you ask me.. the other weapon should be more damaging however to better balance the thing. But a moderately splash damage dealing weapon will suit me fine(Bowcastor)


As far as the repeater, I think its making an appearence in JK, either that or i mistook it for the flechette launcher will seems like it will do the same thing.


As far as JK goes, Conc is easiest to wield in FF and NF, the Rail is okay if you can successfully predict where your opponent is going and put concentrate a flurry of rails in that location.


Up close, or in water tho, I'd take the Storm trooper rifle over the Repeater(for one thing, the st rifle doesn't eat up conc power cell ammo) due to the ST Rifle's stun effect(each shot taken impairs your movement). Rapid fire weapons CAN beat the Concussion Rifle.


All weapons have some use, if you use them correctly and appropriately for the situation.


Byrar - not really useful due to slow effect.. I yank out saber when im down to this.


ST Rifle- once again deadly in close quarters due to its decent rate of fire and stun effect; they can't escape allowing you to eat away at their shields quickly.


Thermal detonator - has some applications in CTF Nar(i.e. detonating strategically placed mines and anyone camping under the entry(via fan) to Gold base. Not really useful in anything else to the best of my knowledge.


Bowcastor - nice weapon; charge it up and let loose when you get right up to them for a instant death. Only problem is lag; you can let 'em have 5 shots at once by charging, but often you'd only hit there lag ghost. In JK's laggy enviorment, the really only way to get a decent gun is to either have it rapid fire or deal splash damage. Secondary fire could also saturate an area semi-decently.


Repeater - Rapid fire, however I prefer ST Rifle over this one because you don't get the stun effect and secondly it eats up powercells that could other-wise go to the concussion rifle.


Rail detonator - direct on hit to someone 100/100 shields/health = instant kill. Sticky fire is great, the only problem is that often you snag their lag ghost as opposed to the actual character thus detracting from this weapon. The best way to kill with this is to suprise them or saturate an area you think your opponent is going to be in a few seconds with rail fire.


Mines - quite valuable. Make 'nuke's out of 'em by stacking several mines on top of each other and strategically place them in heavily trafficked areas to score kills. I usually put 'em at the control switch for the lighting trap in Canyon Oasis to kill anyone that trys activating the lighting trap. Spread 'em out in an entrance to an area you're trying to defend, so if your opponent is just entering a room you can shoot them thus not only nailing him with the damage from your own explosive weapon but also by the explosions of several mines going off. In areas such as water, while you're skipping across the water drop them in primary fire thus beating the hell out of your opponent whose swimming around trying to shoot you with the concussion rifle. Drop 'em in the path of a saberist attacking you. And if you really want to be annoying, try carpet mining(make sure theres enough space in between each mine so that one shot isn't likely to set off the chain of them. I get sooo annoyed when I keep running over carpet mines(doesn't kill you either, just eats at your shields) just strewn out in an area. Hehe, so much could be said about these little things.. I hope they make a reappearence in Jedi Outcast.


Concussion Rifle - Can imbalance the game if you lack the resourcefulness to properly use the other weapons.. ;) I personally like this weapon because its a means of coping with sometimes horrendous lag.. Since JK2 won't be suffering from packet loss, etc. this weapon probably could be replaced with something with a little less splash damage.

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You haven't even played the darn game yet and you're calling the gun useless.




I didn't call it useless, I said it would be likely.


It's called speculating.:)


And if it is in fact a "gun" as you call it and it actually shoots a projectile rather than a melee weapon, than maybe I would feel differently. But what's the point if we already have the saber? A melee stun baton surely would not stack up against a saber let alone the rest of the weapons.


Don't get me wrong, in SP they say there is stealth involved, so I can see it having a use there, but not in MP.


It all depends what kind of weapon it is.

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Repeater: Cool weapon, but looks like the flechette launcher will be JO's answer to it.

Rail Detonator: Awesome weapon. Yes, keep it, or something like it.

Concussion Rifle: Too unbalanced. It's had its day. Scrap it.

Carbon Gun: Really lame. Should never have existed.

Mines (Sequencer Charges): Awesome weapons. Definitely keep them! They open up all kinds of strategy.

Blastech Pistol: Why bother.

Flash Bombs: Cool, but not as cool as most of the other weapons mentioned.

None, I want something fresh from the Empire's vault: Maybe...


One question: Why not pull a MotS and be able to include up to TWENTY weapons instead of just ten? That would be pretty awesome...:D

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Guest X-Vector

I voted concussion rifle, but would like to add that I'd want to see that weapon return the way it was handled in Dark Forces, not Jedi Knight.

I really like the idea of a weapon that doesn't fire a visible projectile, but 'ionizes' a certain area in stead to deal a fairly potent splash damage.

I think that the invisibility of the charge adds to the shock effect of the concussion rifle, making it more fearsome.


I would also like to give my support to the return of the IM mine, because it also adds a certain "each step could be your last" fear factor (I know I almost suffered heart failure every time I heard that dreaded arming sound when I stepped on a mine in DF).


The Blastech pistol would only make sense as a replacement for the modified Bryar, not as an additional handgun.

One thing that I've always found puzzling was the fact that the Bryar pistol was more accurate than the Stormtrooper rifle when in the real (solid projectile based) world this should be the other way around.

I know that the explanation for this is supposedly that the pistol is in fact a modified (shortened) rifle, but that still doesn't fully explain the degree of difference between the two (the rapid fire of the ST rifle isn't *that* rapid.

I'd ideally like to see the firing rate ot the Bryar improved, to make it a bit more useful at closer range.

Alternatively it could of course be made near silent and therefore ready for use as a stealth gun (thereby eliminating the need for the stun baton - why not use Kyle's fists as an "out of ammo" last resort noiseless weapon in stead anyway?).

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Most of you are also just focusing on the use of the weapons in deathmatch. What about ctf? The mines are one of the most usefull weapons on guarding a flag and setting ambushes in jk ctf. Most of the better ctfers that played could use any weapon with the exception of the bowcaster very well, but still due to jk netcode the cr was the most usefull and the rail being second. Large splash area reduced the amount you had to aim ahead of your opponents. Being a ctf player i want to see a return on the mines and the rail and cr type weapons because ctf wiht a light saber an low damage weapons would not work. Its kinda hard to chase someone down with a saber when they just grabed a flag.

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Wow, these results are a lot more spread out than I expected.:)


I just remembered something. I forgot about fists. I wonder if the Stun Baton will be replacing the fists this time. Although I would love if they had punches and kicks.:D The kick from Return to Castle Wolfestein worked really good.

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Why do they have stun batons when the light saber exists. Tell me why. I must know. Save the slot for insanely cool Imperial weapons. Like the one which shoots out this energy web that'll entrap a group of bad guys, or grappling hook, or a time bubble weapon that makes things in an exploding radius move slowly, or droid launcher that launches little droid probes that allow you to see what's ahead, or something cooler than fists or stun batons. Come on.

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We need LGC !


Whats LGC you ask ?

It would be a very special tactical and silent granade weapon. Laughing Gas Canister of course ;) You will also need to use strategy with using it. Will you throw it into the kitchen area and risk mass vomiting or or the bathrooms ? The choice is yours ....

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Well, I voted for some new stuff, but some of the new stuff they've already announced sounds a bit odd.


As I posted in another thread, it would seem a bit pointless having other melee weapons (such as a stun baton etc.,) when you already have the best melee weapon going...the lightsaber. The only possible reason I can see for a stun baton is if you are actually going to be given the choice this time of stunning an opponent unconscious, so you don't have to resort to killing everything in sight. Having said that, if the ST Rifle had a stun setting, it would probably be far more effective due to it's longer range. The only argument against that would be if the sound attracts other enemies...which to my way of thinking would mean the stun baton would have to be a silent weapon, so you could drop an opponent without making any noise. Which raises another point...if you've stunned an opponent unconscious, are you going to be able to catch them so they don't make any noise falling on the floor? Hmmmm...it seems like a dubious choice of weapon, IMHO. I'll have to see how it works in the game before I'll be convinced.


As for the Repeater...well, I think the only time I really use that weapon is to take down probe/scout droids, because it has range, accuracy and packs a punch. However, I always thought that the ST Rifle would have been better off having single-shot, stun and full-burst repeat modes, making it altogether a more versatile weapon, and freeing up another slot for something else.


The Concussion Rifle is a good weapon...and it would be nice to see it return. Keep the secondary fire mode, too, because it's useful for taking down single opponents at short range (mostly in SP).


I'd also like to see Mines return...but better. Maybe a better variety, like those in HL, or being able to throw them onto the back of a retreating enemy, a la Red Faction. I think they would need to increase the delay slightly when setting them for proximity, though...I always seemed to trigger them before getting out of range. :D A remote trigger might be a good idea, too. The other thing that really annoyed me about the mines in JK was that you couldn't just shoot them with a conventional blaster to blow them...you had to use a TD or something. That seemed a bit silly to me. I mean, if it's a proximity device, how can it not blow when a laser bolt comes within range? Odd.


I never really used the Rail Detonator much...again, mostly for taking out droids, or AT-STs, or gun turrets. I'd still use other weapons for those tasks, though, so I'm not really bothered about seeing this weapon return.


The Blastech Pistol was a nice change from the Bryar, particularly with the ability to power it up in secondary fire mode. It would be nice to see it return. The Bryar was never powerful enough - particularly considering it was supposed to be a modified rifle. It should have packed a far greater punch, and had a decent secondary fire mode.


I can't say I ever used flash bombs that much in MotS. A couple of TDs usually did the job of tackling a group of enemies. I mean, the option was never there to simply disable opponents while leaving them alive...you could never just let off a flash bomb to mask an escape, because you couldn't lock/seal doors behind you. And there never seemed to be enough opponents to warrant their use if you were attacking...I mean, you never encountered like 20-30 Stormtroopers in a room, where it would have been really useful letting off a flash bomb to blind most of them before wading in with another weapon. So I'm not saying I wouldn't like to see them...I'd just like to see situations to use them in.


The Flechette gun has me a bit worried, because from the (scant) information we have, it sounds a bit like a nail-gun...and I don't think it fits that well within the context of a JK game.


I'd like to see some more exotic or alien weaponry...stuff that other civilisations have been using on their homeworlds. That was why I liked a lot of the weapons in EF, because they diversified from the traditional Trek arsenal slightly. And that was why I liked Unreal, because it came up with some original stuff that didn't conform that much to the traditional pistol, shotgun, machine-gun, rocket launcher found in most FPS games. I'd like to see similar diversification in JKII...as long as it makes sense within the context of the SW universe. ;)

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As I posted in another thread, it would seem a bit pointless having other melee weapons (such as a stun baton etc.,) when you already have the best melee weapon going...the lightsaber. The only possible reason I can see for a stun baton is if you are actually going to be given the choice this time of stunning an opponent unconscious, so you don't have to resort to killing everything in sight. Having said that, if the ST Rifle had a stun setting, it would probably be far more effective due to it's longer range.

It seriously boggles my mind Stormhammer:confused:


We still don't know if the Stun Baton is a long range weapon as well, but if it's only melee....why bother.


It seriously stumps me why they didn't just add the stun effect to the Stormtrooper Rifle when it is well known that it has that ability.


Prove me wrong Raven!:D

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