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Whats an easy way to take out turrets?


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Guest jediaoe

only advice i got is too send a huge army in followed by some pummels and have them take them out. If your fighters have shields send them in also to take out any air that attack your army but send them away when they are done.

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

Take out ground turrets with bombers, take out AA turrets with cannons and/or pummels. Very simple. A big army is unavoidable in either case.

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Guest jediaoe

i personally think its easier with gungans becuase of the fambaa shield generator because it gives your units extra hit points and more time to take out the turrents.

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Originally posted by 00M-187

Whats an easy way to take out turrets? I find an abundance of anti air and turrets causes the game to become unbeatable, when I play my bro its impossible for anyone to win, GOT ANY SECRETS?


I use air power to take out both.


Ground turrets are easy, of course. They are helpless against air power. AA turrets are, duh, designed against air power, but they can be confused by many craft. If you attack an AA turret with a pair of bombers, you are done for. But if you attack a guy with a lot of AA turrets, with 20 fighters and 20 bombers, you can win. Group each type of craft together. Then tell the fighters to guard one of the bombers. They will swarm around the bombers. Now send the bombers after his AA turrets, all together against one turret at at time. You will lose a few craft this way, with each turret you take out, but bombers are much easier to replace than AA turrets (because the all-important Ore it costs to build AA turrets is in short supply and/or expensive in a spaceport).


You could go with just bombers, but then if he comes at you with his own fighters, your bombers are meat. Keep the fighters close to the bombers, though, even having them attack the AA tower themselves can be useful. No, they won't do much damage to it, but unless your brother is micro-managing his turrets (and perhaps even then, given the confusion of battle), the computer usually will just pick one enemy craft in range, and thus there's a good chance it will fire at your almost-harmless fighters instead of your deadly bombers.


Make sure you have full ship upgrades (shields, armor, extra bomb capacity, etc) before you do this.


Alternatively, you could use a few cannons, well protected by fighters, strike and destroyer mechs, a few jedi, and some troopers. Keep those forces surrounding your cannons, and advance the whole army bit by bit. Cannons have the longest range in the game, so his towers can't hit them, and neither can his AA batteries harm them. Just watch out, because he will try to stop you, and if he's anything like me, he will take out your canons first, if possible. Make sure they are well defended.


May the Force be with you.

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

An air assault is never even neccessary unless you are playing on asteroids or something. An army has alot more variety and stamina than an air force (it costs less too, pending on what type of units you use).

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Originally posted by Stan|SCN Punk

An air assault is never even neccessary unless you are playing on asteroids or something. An army has alot more variety and stamina than an air force (it costs less too, pending on what type of units you use).


Some of us like air power :)


It also works really well against the computer, which is notoriously poor at defending itself against massive air attacks.

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

Something about 40 DT's and 10 AT-AT's against the computer that makes it invicible and fun, and something about 10 AA troopers which cost about 10 percent as a fleet of fighters wiping out the fleet in a matter of minutes that is really annoying ;).

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Guest BountyHunter

Cannons if you have them...you can keep them just out of the range of the turrets.


I had some guy come with cannons, AT AT's, and a ton of anti air. He took my turrets out pretty quick. :boushh:

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Use cannons. Always take a couple cannons with your main attack group. When you reach a turret/fortress simply "park" your units outside of the range of the turrets in a defensive position (stand ground stance). Then they will attack any units that dare to get close enough, but won't be in the range of the turrets. Also, your cannons will be well protected by your attack group.

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

Cannons are the only "safe" siege weaponry in SWGB. In AOK, you had the trebuchet (same as cannon in SWGB) and the bombard cannon (non-existant in SWGB) that both out ranged all enemy defensive structures. The advantage to the AOK bombard cannon is that you don't need to deploy and undeploy like the cannon in SWGB. I misse the AOK bombard cannon :(


Note: The unit "Bombard Cannon" in AOK is not the same unit as the SWGB "Cannon".

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

But 5 assault mechs is very expensive compared to 5 cannons, and you need to research all the mech techs for assault mechs to be efficient.

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Originally posted by Stan|SCN Punk

Cannons are the only "safe" siege weaponry in SWGB. In AOK, you had the trebuchet (same as cannon in SWGB) and the bombard cannon (non-existant in SWGB) that both out ranged all enemy defensive structures. The advantage to the AOK bombard cannon is that you don't need to deploy and undeploy like the cannon in SWGB. I misse the AOK bombard cannon :(


Note: The unit "Bombard Cannon" in AOK is not the same unit as the SWGB "Cannon".



Your talking about that Cannon Trooper!!!

Forgot about him...hmm...

If they made him in GB what would he be???

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

No, the "bombard cannon" is not a cheat unit. It's a siege workshop (heavy weapons factory in SWGB) unit. Considering I am not a die-hard Star Wars fanatic, I wouldn't know which unit it would be in SWGB if it exists.

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Originally posted by Stan|SCN Punk

No, the "bombard cannon" is not a cheat unit. It's a siege workshop (heavy weapons factory in SWGB) unit. Considering I am not a die-hard Star Wars fanatic, I wouldn't know which unit it would be in SWGB if it exists.


I didn't say it was a cheat unit...It was in AoK: C...The guy pushing around the cannon...right???

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

Heh. Well, it wasn't very pracitcal for most people, because it costs as much as a trebuchet (Cannon in SWGB) but has about 1/5th the attack (but more frequent attack rate) and a third of the HP. The good thing about bombard cannons is that it does not require packing and unpacking (deploy/undeploy) and is more effective against units.

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk

Yep. Plus the bombard cannon's area of effect damage is really good as well. A bombard cannon can wipe out a whole squad of champions (Jedi Knights/Hvy Troopers in AOK) in one shot. Really fun to play with. Kinda reminds you of the Assault Mech in SWGB.

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I've stoped using the Arty. unit in GB...I always used it in the begining...but now it is a bit pointless...PLUS it kills off any Melee or people that just accidentally get close to blast radius...It gets really anoying to see the artillery all by itself...and you wonder where are all my Beserkers??? Slaughtered by your own units...


For some reason I never had much trouble with it in AoK...

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