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Favorite Settings

Young David

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What is favored by our dear forummers. On what kinda maps do you like to play,what kinda game types. This information can be usefull for the orginazation of future tournaments (so that we can set up the complete oposite ;))


Fill in this scheme:


Favorite gametype (DM/RM/Terminate the commander/..)

Favorite map (can be a SW locale or standard maptype)

Favorite civ (with 'random' as a valid option too)

Favorite type of on-line play (IP/Zone/Gamespy/..)


Most disliking gametype (DM/RM/Terminate the commander/..)

Most disliking map (can be a SW locale or standard maptype)

Most disliking civ (with 'random' as a valid option too)

Most disliking type of on-line play (IP/Zone/Gamespy/..)


If you like different setting other than the standards, let us know too (speed/resources/pop-limit/starting age)


Note: I did not create this thread for discussion on why somebody like or dislikes it that way. It's just for the stats.


Note: Altough this info can be used for tounies, it is no garuantiee that it will be.

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Favorite gametype - standard setts , rm.

Favorite map - anything that isnt water based.

Favorite civ - trade fed

Favorite type of on-line play - ip if possible


Most disliking gametype - that turret game is a terrible waste of time IMO.

Most disliking map - anything with water.

Most disliking civ - Naboo

Most disliking type of on-line play - the zone of course.



Young David im guessing you were allocated this job at the senate meeting

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Favorite gametype - DM

Favorite map - Probably Tattoine, maybe Nova assault

Favorite civ - trade federation

Favorite type of on-line play - Zone


Most disliking gametype - Turret game, it was dumb in AoK, won't get better IMO.

Most disliking map - none

Most disliking civ - Naboo

Most disliking type of on-line play - gamespy.

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Favorite gametype (Terminate the commander..)

Favorite map (Endor, anything with snow )

Favorite civ (Rebels)

Favorite type of on-line play (Zone)


Most disliking gametype (RM/)

Most disliking map (the one from the demo, did a lotta harm to game's reputation ...)

Most disliking civ (Gungans ...)

Most disliking type of on-line play (Gamespy)

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Favorite gametype: Random Map

Favorite map: Hoth or Kessel

Favorite civ: Rebels

Favorite type of on-line play: Don't play on line


Most disliked gametype: Campaign missions

Most disliked map: Asteroids

Most disliked civ; Trade Fed

Most disliked type of on-line play: Don't play online


Like a pop. limit of 125-175, usually around 150.

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Guest Lord Maul

Fav Game Type: RM

Fav Map: Hoth

Fav Civ: Empire or TF

Fav Online: Zone


Crappy Game Type: Turrent

Crappy Map: Asteroids

Crappy Civ: Gungans

Crappy Online: Don't have one.

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Guest Stan|SCN Punk
Favorite gametype (DM/RM/Terminate the commander/..)

Favorite map (can be a SW locale or standard maptype)

Favorite civ (with 'random' as a valid option too)

Favorite type of on-line play (IP/Zone/Gamespy/..)


Most disliking gametype (DM/RM/Terminate the commander/..)

Most disliking map (can be a SW locale or standard maptype)

Most disliking civ (with 'random' as a valid option too)

Most disliking type of on-line play (IP/Zone/Gamespy/..)


1 - Terminate the Commander

2 - Forest

3 - Galactic Empire

4 - IP


5 - DM

6 - Asteroids

7 - Gungans

8 - Zone

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Favorite gametype---------------------->DM

Favorite map----------------------------->Degobah

Favorite civ------------------------------->Naboo or Wookie

Favorite type of on-line play------------->IP


Most disliking gametype--------------->Monument

Most disliking map---------------------->Island

Most disliking civ------------------------>Trade Federation

Most disliking type of on-line play------>Zone

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Originally posted by darthfergie

Favorite gametype---------------------->DM

Favorite map----------------------------->Degobah

Favorite civ------------------------------->Naboo or Wookie

Favorite type of on-line play------------->IP


Most disliking gametype--------------->Monument

Most disliking map---------------------->Island

Most disliking civ------------------------>Trade Federation

Most disliking type of on-line play------>Zone



lemme me play you at a rm, you as naboo, me as trade fed.....oooh how i would kick your ***!!!


Thanks for the BS:rolleyes: -darthfergie

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Favorite gametype (DM/RM/Terminate the commander/..)




Favourite map (can be a star wars locale, etc.)


No preference.


Favorite civ (with 'random' as a valid option too)




Favorite type of on-line play (IP/Zone/Gamespy/..)




Most disliking gametype (DM/RM/Terminate the commander/..)


That monument thingy. :D


Most disliking map (can be a SW locale or standard maptype)


Any space map.


Most disliking civ (with 'random' as a valid option too)


Uh... Wookiees


Most disliking type of on-line play (IP/Zone/Gamespy/..)


I only play by IP.

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Favorite Game Type__RM/DM.

Favorite Game Map___Random.

Favorite Civs Gungans & Naboo.

Favorite on Line Play Zone or Direct Modem to modem.


Most Disliked Gametype Turret/or Monument games.

Most Disliked Map__Non any map will do Fine.

Most Disliked Civ__Trade Fed

Most Disliked Type of on Line play IP /My isp doesn't support it:(

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