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Eets' Trivia Quest


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This thread is a remake of Tirion's Trivia Quest, so search up that thread if you wanna know how to play.


The first player to get the correct answer gets 5 pts, and the next 4 to answer correctly get 1 pt each.


Here's the first question:



What was the name of the Ewok that hijacked an imperial speeder to provide a diversion for the Rebels?

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Correct answer was: peter cushing!


Gungan Warrior: 6 pts

krkode: 6 pts

Boba Rhett: 2 pts

Olsmo Lahun: 1 pt

darthfergie: 1 pt

duder: 1 pt


Next (easy) question:


In which movie was the phrase "Curse my metal body, I wasn't fast enough!" ?

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Correct again!


Gungan Warrior: 6 pts

krkode: 6 pts

darthfergie: 6 pts

Boba Rhett: 2 pts

Olsmo Lahun: 1 pt

duder: 1 pt

WC_Heavyarms: 1 pt

SlashAndBurn: 1 pt

Silenthunter: 1 pt

captain_drake: 1 pt



In TPM, what was Sio Bibble's very first line?

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