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Who's you hero?


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I still don't get the character system. Is it going to be like in Skirmish and in the editor that you pick a character adn he has a unique AI style, or what? Like if you picked Vader he would prefer force rather than strategy, and if you picked Thrawn he would prefer very precise strategic strikes. Can someone please explain it to me?:confused:

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Guest Garry_M_Gaber

Vader, Maul, Yoda, Mara Jade, General Veers (in and out of AT-AT), the Millenium Falcon, Captain Tarpals, Wedge Antilles in Snowspeeder, the A-wing, Captain Panaka, Jar Jar, Chewie, Greedo are just a few of the heroes/placeable units in the scenario editor.

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Guest Tie Guy

How about heroes that we haven't seen before, will there be any of those? Like ones from the Wookies and Trade federation.

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Originally posted by Garry_M_Gaber

Vader, Maul, Yoda, Mara Jade, General Veers (in and out of AT-AT), the Millenium Falcon, Captain Tarpals, Wedge Antilles in Snowspeeder, the A-wing, Captain Panaka, Jar Jar, Chewie, Greedo are just a few of the heroes/placeable units in the scenario editor.


What about Royal Guards, Noghri, TIE Defender???

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Guest madperm

For some reason i find it hard to imagine Jar Jar being a hero :D


It would be funny if having jar jar increase moral, which increased HP... but also, since he is so clumsy, your equipment would be damaged every now and then :) imagine building an enormous defense turrets only to have Jar Jar come and knock it down

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Originally posted by madperm

For some reason i find it hard to imagine Jar Jar being a hero :D


It would be funny if having jar jar increase moral, which increased HP... but also, since he is so clumsy, your equipment would be damaged every now and then :) imagine building an enormous defense turrets only to have Jar Jar come and knock it down


That is one hero I would kill off quickly:D

I think he has horrible attck and good defence. MOstly you won't use him...justprotect him.

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Guest Admiral Odin

Jar Jar will be a hero for the enemy. When he is in your forces he will most likly hit your own units then the enemy.

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Guest Gamma732
Originally posted by Admiral Odin

Jar Jar will be a hero for the enemy. When he is in your forces he will most likly hit your own units then the enemy.


The scary thing is that that would actually make sense ;)

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Guest Master Yoda

Well they will probably be only in the scenerio editor and not in the campaigns so if you dont want to use them you dont have to. I want to use them but not with the Movie characters, it wouldnt make sense if you had Juuros Cyboth fighting Vader now would it?

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Paragon_Leon

I don't feel particularly comfortable with the EU characters, since i saw them apart from the movies..


That's like saying i'm not comfortable with some of the historical characters in AOK because i didn't study them. You have to put those in there, younger and non-EU players don't have to use them. Besides, what little kid plays rts games. They can pick up a copy of gungan frontier on the way home. :D

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Guest Admiral Odin

With the EU heros would be like Robin Hood in Aok, or Friar Tuk. the were actually alive but still for fun.


I personally want to see what special features they have.

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Guest Darth Goku

My first mod would be to have a key sequence to kill all of the Jar Jar characters simply because he is too annoying... ;)

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Guest Admiral Odin

That is why Jar Jar was put into the game. It was a way for GL, to say sorry for making most of the fans upset, you may now kill Jar Jar as much as you want.

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