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Rhett's useless trivia of the day!

Boba Rhett

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Well, insomnia has once again claimed any chance that I have of sleeping today so I though I might as well make some posts. :)


Why doesn't water burn? Don't say, "Because it's water, dumbarse." :D


Seriously though, why not? It's made of hydrogen, which is flammable, and oxygen, which is required for things to burn.


"Why I never thought of that!" you say? Of course you haven't. :p;)


The reason it doesn't burn is because it's already been "burnt."


Light a candle and what do you get as a byproduct? That's right. You get water. It started off as hydrocarbon but as the candle burnt the hydrogen oxidized thus creating water. A stable substance and much less flammable than an unburned mixture of hydrogen and oxygen.


Still, it is possible to burn water. By torching water in the presence of fluorine gas you will get a flame that produces oxygen and hydrogen fluoride, which are even more stable than water plus fluorine.



Thus concludes the trivia of the day.

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I see how it could work. It would go all the way to the Big Bang but then wouldn't everything be burnt already if it originated in the big bang? So the mystery continues when did part of the earth get burned and turned into water? Can anyone answer these pointless questions? Will Rhett ever post another pointless trivia of the day?:confused:

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