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Aust. PCPP special.


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the Australian PC Power Play had a special on JO in this months issue. it had some new screens but they were small. also had some new info. ii'l try to sum up for you.


PC Powerplay

*Tosti specking*"...We spent a considerable amount of time evaluating just what made Jedi Knight so successful and then we made sure our design addessed those elements. We then evaluated Jedi Knight's shortcomings and tried to figure out ways we could improve upon them..."



"...We wanted to recreate that experience of the living, breathing Star Wars world. The sounds, the locations- these are the things people recognise. We wanted to bring those back..."


skip skip "...But Katarn learns of a tectnology to harness the power of the force and of coruse, he must be stopped. Kyle Katarn returns to the struggle..."


"...We're expecting the player to use the lightsaber a lot more in the game {than in Jedi Knight}. The animations, the controls, the things you can do with it are going to be far more dynamic..."


"...Although Katarn can black almost anything, he will still take damage from some weapons, such as the Rocket luncher and the thermal detonator, even if he is blocking..."


thats all i can type. my neck hurts too much.

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thanks for typing that

We spent a considerable amount of time evaluating just what made Jedi Knight so successful and then we made sure our design addessed those elements. We then evaluated Jedi Knight's shortcomings and tried to figure out ways we could improve upon them..."

Nice to hear this, thats exactly what they had to do


Confirmation of the rocket launcher also

I wonder If itll be called like that?

are there "rocket launchers" in the EU?


Is there something interesting in the shots?

new weapons or force powers being used?

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not really new info about force powers. they talk about weapons that we know will be in JO. The New Screenie there is looks like an outside of a base/camp with a landing pad in the middle, crates on the pad.(if i had a scanner i would scan it) Looks like icey blue mountains surrounds the base and looks very cool. The other new onw is too dark to see. Sorry...i'm not good at explaining things.



PC Power PLay

"...Our concerns was that we wanted to make the the lightsaber do exciting and interesting things but not get the player too caught up in the controls. We looked at it and talked about that quite a bit; how many controls we wanted to have you using of the lightsabers..."

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netcode and the frequent game-disrupting hackers that would join the game were probably mine..


i loved sabers(nf) but what killed it for me was primarily the ease that people could hack JK and the fact that I had to judge lag..


both problems will probably disapear for the most part in JK.


I certainly hope all these new saber moves won't slow the game down. I personally enjoyed the pace of saber combat..


I bring attention to what happened when they tried slowing down T2.. they screwed it up :\

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Originally posted by nykel007

Still no real info on saber control, anyway the news is still good to read.


here is some more from PC Powerplay


PC PowerPlay


Raven has introduced a completely new combat control system for the lightsaber in Jedi Outcast. This is a weapon of finesse so naturally its functions will vary with the body's movements, rather than just swinging left and right regardless. Whatever Kyle is doing at the time of attack directly affects what the lightsaber attch becomes. A jumping attack will deliver a punishing blow, an advancing attack becomes a lunge, strafing attacks give swipes and so on. The game calls for considerable tactics from the player when using the light saber, not merely endless jumping and circle strafing.

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Does anyone other happen to have that issue? Also, I would be most pleased if someone sent me picture scans from those "old" PC Gamer issues that was talked much earlier, because I haven't found those magazines from here(we have Finnish translated PC Gamer, but they don't always have same articles or previews). :( I wonder, if we will get to see high quality videoclip of gameplay soon...

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I also want those scans!

I was never able to see them, and the gaming mags here are a joke. There is a spanish translation of pcgamer also, but Its always here several months after the initial release


there should be a video soon, based on posts made by mods/admins Iv read


I just hope Its released before January 10

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Originally posted by ed_silvergun


Yeah, apparently one's on it's way "soon"...

the problem is that no one knows how much time that "soon" means :(


We need at least another review with more info! Or at least one screenshot!

I dont know If youv noticed but this days there have been way more activity in the swamp than here in the Valley...

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ok people...a friend of mr brothers has the latest pcpp mag with him and he said i could scan all the stuff...:)

when i get them i should probably email them to everybody for legal reasons, so tell me your adresses :) the pics are not all thayt great though and not much else is mentioned...better idea ill just send the entire article :)

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