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Yesterday I fell in love...


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With HALO ! I have to post this because all the community must know that this game is simply AWESOME.I have never seen a such beautiful game in my life.So guys if u have enough money and u wanna buy a x-box--->THIS is the game of the year!

I hope I'll see some of u on the servers for Halo coming soon.

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To truly describe HALO it is a very good shooter, good controls, good weapons, fun to shoot enemies, and a very cool looking alien humvee which you get to drive with a big gun on the back complete w/ marine for gunner.:D It also has a very long and well developed story line. In short a shooter of excellent caliber.

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No it is an X-Box. The only thing I really don't like about the X-Box is the clunkiness of the controller. Truly the cadillac of all controllers. But th internal Hard Drive for saving games more than makes up for that. Too bad I don't have one. But I still think GCube has better games.

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Aaaargggggg The gamecube??? u mean that purple thing which makes me think to a toy for 6 years old gamers!!! Anyway thank you Artoo for ur description. You said :

It also has a very long and well developed story line.

I didn't finish the game yet but I have already done the 5 first parts of the game (on ten).In only five hours...I hope that these are the 5 easiest part or else the game is too short !

But this is really fantastic to dive in this Halo and immerge urself in an extra terrestrial world where u feel free to go where u want.It makes me think to Deus, do u remember that game ?

A must-have if u're planning to buy a X-Box.

For the controller u just have to get used to it.

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Well, i'd disagree. Final Fantasy X is THE game of the year. It is simply incedible in every respect. The graphics are just as good as Halo, the story developement in FFX is obviously gonna be 10 times better based solely on the fact thats its an RPG, the gameplay is fast paced and very fun in battle, but has some other puzzles and non-combat situations that are fun as well, and offer a quick break while developing the plot. As for length, the MINIMUM time (if you ran through the entire game and didn't level up or do any mini-games or sidequests) it would take to complete is 20 hours, thats AT LEAST 2 or 3 times as long as Halo. I'll probably take closer to 80 to finish entirely, and thats just once. thats longer than you will ever play Halo in single player and multiplayer combined.


If you look at it, FFX trumps Halo in almost every respect, end of story.

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Originally posted by lord_adelgard

Aaaargggggg The gamecube??? u mean that purple thing which makes me think to a toy for 6 years old gamers!!!




I'd like to say I own a black box not a purple box but can you dig the alien humvee I have a friend we do mutiplayer and the humvee is killer w/ a human gunner.

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The ONLY good games I see on the GCube are Rogue Leader, Pro Skater 3, and Perfect Dark Zero.


The good games I see on the X-Box are Halo, Amped, Pro Skater 2x, Pro Skater 3, Grand Theft Auto 3, Project Gotham Racing, Air Force Delta Storm, Max Payne, and way in the future, Pro Skater 4.


Now, tell me which Cube games can beat all of those! :)

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First thps3 don't count cause it's on both systems, neither does 2 cause 3 is better than 2. GTA3 looks ok and Gotham is pretty nice but if you really want a good racing game gt3 for PS2. Max Payne I don't know it is a pretty good shooter and a good PC game, but if I want a shooter I'll play Perfect Dark cause it also has a killer multiplayer mode. I don't keep up w/ too much on the XBox but so I've never heard of Amped or Delta Storm. Right now I'll play the invincible trump of SSBMelee and Pikmin, that should get you to buy a GCube by itself. If you want to talk future than I'll have to say Mario Sunshine, Zelda, Starfox Dino Planet, Metrtoid Prime, Mario Kart,and Legend of Zelda. If you can blow by any of those hits you have to also remember Sega is going to be producing games for the GCube.:D

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You just had to go and say something like that didn't you?


*sigh* Why do fanboys exist anyway? Can't we just all get along? ;)


I'll just list the ones for gc that I'm interested in so far, but it'll be enough to better inform you. :)


Rogue Leader

Perfect Dark Zero

Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4

James Bond 007 in... Agent Under Fire

Resident Evil 0

Resident Evil 4

The Matrix that's right :cool:

Phantasy Star Online

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Duke Nukem Forever

Die Hard

Camelot RPG

Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

Dark Summit

Iron Man

Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer

Legend of Zelda

Mario Kart

Mario Sunshine

Metroid Prime

Shadow Man 2

Spider-Man Movie

Turok Evolution

The Fantastic Four

Worms Blast

Wave Race: Blue Storm


....and all the Episode II games that will be coming to it next year.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Every time I see something about Halo I start drooling. That game just looks awesome. Game Cube looks like its more geared towards kids.

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Originally posted by SlashAndBurn

Every time I see something about Halo I start drooling. That game just looks awesome. Game Cube looks like its more geared towards kids.


you are 100% correct! *alarm bells start going off* now come on, let's get out of here before baby gamecube lovers come to throw their dirty diapers at us!

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Originally posted by Artoo

First thps3 don't count cause it's on both systems, neither does 2 cause 3 is better than 2. GTA3 looks ok and Gotham is pretty nice but if you really want a good racing game gt3 for PS2. Max Payne I don't know it is a pretty good shooter and a good PC game, but if I want a shooter I'll play Perfect Dark cause it also has a killer multiplayer mode. I don't keep up w/ too much on the XBox but so I've never heard of Amped or Delta Storm. Right now I'll play the invincible trump of SSBMelee and Pikmin, that should get you to buy a GCube by itself. If you want to talk future than I'll have to say Mario Sunshine, Zelda, Starfox Dino Planet, Metrtoid Prime, Mario Kart,and Legend of Zelda. If you can blow by any of those hits you have to also remember Sega is going to be producing games for the GCube.:D


Just to let you know, I never really got into 3D Mario games. I love the NES versions (1 w/ Duck Hunt and 3). I don't like Starfox or 3D Zelda games. So in conclusion, it all boils down to taste of games. I just wish our NES would work 100% of the time, instead of that screen that goes yellow to black to yellow to black to yellow to black... My $294.53 and a half cents.

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Well I'm gone for 2 days and have u seen that mess !!

Excuse me gamecubers but I don't like Zelda 3D deluxe edtion 2 and super metroid 3000 3D deluxe BECAUSE I wanted SOMETHING NEW !!!!!Mario was ok when I was 8 years old,and Zelda when I was thirteen.U can be a fan I understand but all of u did not understand !!!! HALO brings something new !Ther's nothing to see with FFX which is probably a fantastic game(which by the way is less beautiful than Halo no doubt about it). HALO is different. OK it's too short cuz YES I DID IT I finally finished the game this afternoon (only three days in normal level).But you got thousands of options on the multiplayer part: Capture the flag,carry a skull :D,deathmatch,etc etc...I didn't exactly count but u got at least 10 different mp games. I don't think that u can say the same for Zelda or FFX!! Ok they're good solo games but u'll see that Halo will be a real success in MP on the net and that because it's wonderful graphically,u can hit aliens crying "I'm gonna lose my job",u can fly in E.T vehicles, u can sit in Jeeps or take the command of the gunner of the jeep, u can hear excellent musics and because when u're lost in the jungle with only weird butterflies and scary sounds for companions u say WOOOA I love this game, I'M IN IT, I feel free to move where I want!!


(last example: When u jump over a Hill with ur jeep ,ur man at the command of the gunner raises his arm and scream YEAAHH ONE MORE!!!)

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