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A request/suggestion


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I tell you one thing I'd really like to see in JKII, a feature which I found very useful in JK and which is all-too-often omitted from games.


Forgive me if this has been mentioned before.


It's not a big thing, but what I always found useful was the ability to set up different players in JK each with different MP characters, but even more importantly to be able to save and load different control configurations. This was particularly important in JK as you would often want different control setups for FF/NF games, or saber only and guns. It probably wouldn't take long to implement, but it would be massively appreciated by me and, I'm sure, by many others. It's certainly a big time-saver when setting up MP games.

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I also hope Raven includes a GUI for player profile creation.


Current Q3 games do allow profile creation using a command interface. In Quake3 and Elite Force for example, all you have to do is write a .cfg text file that contains control bindings, aliases, and settings.


To load myprofile.cfg, for instance, just open the console and type '/exec myprofle.cfg. This will load up the control key bindings, aliases, preferences, and game settings stored in myprofile.cfg.


You could even bind profile loadings to a key. Then all you have to do is hit a single key (or stick button for that matter) to instantly load up a profile of your choice. It's actually easier to load a profile in this way than to use a GUI, once you've created the actual .cfg profile text files, of course.


More advanced users can even program a simple text-based menu interface for loading muiltiple profiles.


As long as Raven preserves the command interface and Q3 scripting abilities, we should be in great shape.

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different saved control setups would be nice too :), especially if modding is allowed, then you could have your ff and nf guns setup, your ff and nf sabres setup... with modding, it would be nice to have one setup for say, SBX2, then another for SS3... anyway, i think it would be nice, that way it would be easy to switch quickly :)

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