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Star Trek vs Star Wars, your thoughts?

Cos Palpatine

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Me and several of my on-line buddies have had several debates on the common topic of Star Wars vs Star Trek. To be perfectly honest I am a big fan of both. If I absoloutley had to choose I would say I enjoy Star Wars slightly more. I just find the charcters and movies in paticular are of a higher caliber. Most of my friends on-line say that Star Trek is far more advanced for the simple reason that it has so many diffrent series, however the seem to forget that all the Star Wars movies are in the top 10 box office records, whereas none of the Star Trek ones are even in the top 50. But none the less, I enjoy both. What do you all think? Star Trek or Star Wars?

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Heh, when I saw SW vs ST in the subject line, that sure flared my interest.


Also don't forget that DS9, and anything after are there for nothing more then to milk the Star Trek cash cow, and SW has had TV series, although I admit they sucked, (like that Droid cartoon one) and anyways, SW has accomplished in 4 movies, what ST can't with 9 movies, and 5 series.

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Star Wars.


Star Trek is entertaining but.....compared to Star Wars? For me, it simply can't compete.


Simple as that. :)




As for a giftbasket.... I'm a little weary of handing them out right now for obvious reasons but...I suppose you can have one. :)


*hands Cos Palpatine an official lf.com gift basket*

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Originally posted by Eets'chula

This is a bit off-topic, but I just had to say that you're starting out to becoming a very valuable forumer here, Cos. :D



Well thank you very much

I must say I have never been so greatly welcomed into a forum before, I'm flattered.


*Gives Eets'chula a high five*

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You posted this on a star wars thread. I hope you don't expect anything but a biased opinion towards Star Wars. Anyway, I'll type up my Shpiel. I really think that the whole Star Wars, vs. Star Trek thing is really sort of pointless. Fans who are exposed to one before the other generally lean in that direction. Star Trek does have a bigger base of stories that have come from it than Star Wars has. Star Wars was originally a movie, Star Trek was originally a t.v. series. It really doesn't matter because each person has different preferences than the next. I think that I prefer Star Wars more, but I can't say more on this fact. I do not know why I like Star Wars more than Star Trek. I must seek enlightenment on this revelation. For it is wracking my brain with agony. Why should I like Star Wars more than Star Trek? I do not know and I need reasons, or I just might fade out of loyal fandom in to the cold, bleek, desolation of not having a cause.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

I'd say I like Star Wars more because that's what I grew up with. I think Empire was the first movie I saw in the theaters. I love both though...Star Wars for the more fantasy version of Sci-Fi and the way the characters were devloped in the books and Trek for the more hard core Sci-fi and haw they developed the characters over several years in the serries esspecialy DS9. Both are masterpieces of their own mediums though.

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Thank You Slash and Burn! It's the fantastical side of star wars which is why I like it more! The whole force thing. Star Trek doesn't have the force. That is why I like it more than star trek. I also like LotR b/c of that as further proof. You have brought light back to my life.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

Its good to have both arround..Sat Wars for the fantasy adventure stories and Trek for the heady social concious plot lines that make you think ( not that SW cannt make you think).

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I'm a big fan of both, however Star Wars still dominates in my opinion. I like Star Wars because of the "fun" factor. It revolves around lighthearted, young characters with plenty of wit and snappy comebacks. As well as having the fantasy and mystical appeal of the force, jedi, hyperspace, lightsabers all of which are fantasy and mystical.


I like Star Trek because it appeals to the scientific side of me. All of Star Treks technologies are founded on proven physics laws or sound physics theories. The shows and movies tend to revolve around sociological and "deep" psychological or personal struggles.


It depends on what you like. Me personally, I'll take the young adventerous and mystical adventures of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Obiwan Kenobi and the rest of 'em anyday :D

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Star Treck is funnier, Star Wars is cooler.

Star Treck is more scientific, Star Wars has a deeper mythology.

Star Wars has that strange sort of "opera" feel (Check out Episode 1 Racer, the last Oovo 4 track)

Star Treck has funny misinterpritations of 20th/early 21st century life.


Imagine what Star Treck:TNG music would be like with Star Wars music.



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