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New (German) JK2-Page online!


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I still don't know what you mean with "amiss". What is amiss? As I said: I collected all the screenshots of JK2-World from other pages. Kenn Hoekstra sent me a .zip-file with useful information and screenshots, too. But most of the shots have already been released. However, I haven't seen the AT-ST before, so do you think that this screenshot is "amiss"??

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I still don't know what you mean with "amiss". What is amiss? As I said: I collected all the screenshots of JK2-World from other pages. Kenn Hoekstra sent me a .zip-file with useful information and screenshots, too. But most of the shots have already been released. However, I haven't seen the AT-ST before, so do you think that this screenshot is "amiss"??

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Hmm.... new screens..... new screens from kenn himself.

actually i trhink i figured this out a bit. kenn gave u a pack.. right.. so someone from theforce.net saw ur pics so they took them. and told jk2.net that's how we got them. Could that be right? notice in the one with moldy crow i think it is kyle's saber is off.... looks good.

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Well, ok then, nykel007 ;o)


I checked all screenshotspages again and again, but I didn't find anything that is "amiss". So I check the enemy pictures, the characters - I didn't find anything wrong! When I "clicked" on wallpapers, however, I found a wrong name for the site - at first I wanted to call it "Jedi Knight 2.net". Well, thanks to your "amiss" I found a stupid mistake ;o)

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