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Latest Unreal 2 preview


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Oh my, looks like we have some solid UT2 info, too.


From VE :


-There will be vehicles to drive.

-Sophisticated skeletal animation. For example, you'll have a different animation when switching weapons depending on the weapon, race and movement the character was doing while switching weapon.

-Sophisticated math engine used to animate the environnement and characters. For example, characters wont fall the same way twice (wow!). If a character falls and there are a few ledges under him, he will bounce off each of them in a realistic way.

-Special moves that requires energy: speed and berserk (only two mentionned). When a player dies, he leaves a small energy sphere. Pick it up and you gather the energy needed for those special moves.

-Other special moves that requires no energy: strafe dodge, double jump and another one that will allow you to stay in the air a fraction of a second more when jumping (allowing you to dodge a rocket, for example).

-Six races with 26 models total (+ skins for each): Egyptians, geneticaly enhanced humans (juggernauts), aliens, a race called Nightmare, robots and mercenaries.

-About 30 maps ranging from lava worlds, ice worlds, jungles, space station, deserts...

-On the single player part: 3 ladders (colonial, world, empire, you will command a team, you will be able to improve the abilities (aiming, agility, tactical) of each member after winning games, you will assigh a role to each member of the team (offense, defence, mobile), you will be able to purchase warriors from a roaster of all-stars.

-All weapons have been modified, no more razorjack and biorifle. --Secondary fire mode will be there.

-No more ammo packs, armour and medpacks. Replaced by recharge platforms: one for heath, one for armour and one for weapons. You will be recharged progressively while standing on the platform.

-You will re-spwan with all weapons (except for two special ones) and packed with ammo.


I found the last point particularly interesting, as well as the new health system. Sounds cool.

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that is because there are two "best weapons", that you dont start with (I guess redeemer and ?)

Probably the weapons you start with have been balanced in such a way that no one is better than the other, they are all useful for different occasions

No more ammo packs, armour and medpacks. Replaced by recharge platforms: one for heath, one for armour and one for weapons. You will be recharged progressively while standing on the platform

this will change the strategy of mp a lot


All the other things sound very impressive

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Still doesn't sound right to me...


Either the amount of guns are really low, or they are all extremely powerful. Imagine you spawn with a minugun and a handgun. Which one would you rather use? And I just can't see the handgun dealing more damage than the minigun in any situation.


Unless the different weapons deal different damage to each of the six species.

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lets see

UT weapons are


bio rifle

shock rifle

plasma gun



flak cannon

rocket launcher




theres no bio rifle nor razor


it says weapons were modified


so we start with something like



shock rifle

plasma gun


flak cannon

rocket launcher


Or maybe without rocket launcher and flak cannon

you are right there is no way a handgun can be modified to match the minigun

unless it fires some kind of poisoned bullet that drains energy after the hit :)


I guess we will have to wait for more details

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OMG... :eek:


So UT2 does (probably) exist! :D


Great stuff. I really enjoyed UT, so if the gameplay has been improved (rather than hacked to pieces), then UT2 should be a great blast. It looks like there's a lot of Unreal Championship influence in there, which may be no bad thing.


I'm sure that visually it will be top-notch stuff...but as you guys point out, that bit about spawning with all weapons sounds really strange. Does this mean there will be no ammo to pick up? So maybe you could start off using the biggest gun, and have to go to the next as your ammo runs out? That might work out okay, actually, because you could choose which weapon to use up first...or just keep mixing and matching...and maybe save your bigger weapon until last. It would certainly tackle some of the issues around people just using the biggest weapons all of the time. Of course, what then happens when all of your ammo is gone? I guess we'll have to wait and see how this pans out.


Anyway, it's good to see that the SP part of the game has been retained...it makes you wonder what the bots will be like this time around. :)


All we need now is DNF and Maelstrom (PC version) to arrive this year, and we'll have 4 PC Unreal engine titles to play. (I can't see Deus Ex 2 or Thief III gracing our hard drives this year, though I could be totally wrong) Not bad at all. Has it ever been a better time to be a gamer? :D

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Originally posted by Wilhuf

Definitely. I especially liked loading up the biorifle to full power, and wait in ambush. Just use the thing like a shotgun. Even a shield-belt wearer could be killed by one of those ;)


that was fun, maybe I should start playing UT again


thanks for the link to the shots, but they didnt impress me at all

I guess they are very early, everything looks too simple and Its all aliased

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No doubt, Wilhuf. That pic from <a href="http://jim.be/html/content/games/specials/details.htm?id=32" target="_blank">Jim.be</a> looks like a cross between <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Title?0095444" target="_blank">Killer Klowns from Outer Space</a> and <a href="`s%20snakepit18.htm" target="_blank">Slash</a> from Guns'n'Roses :cool:

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Jade wins that contest.


But, I would never accept the Unreal2 chick as my intelligence officer (her supposed role in the game). She looks like she's about 12 years old, but with accelerated mammary development ;) Although that go-go Jade (Fonda Wannabe?) would also be hard to take seriously as your chief intel officer ...


I can see it now:


Operations Commander: Jade, brief me on the mission status.

Jade: I will as soon as I've finished my go-go dance! *dances and writhes*

Unreal2 Chick: (vacuous) Fer sure, commander, like, uh, as if!... *dances*

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