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Dreams/Nightmares and other sleep anomaly

Boba Rhett

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Hmmm...I had tried to have one the other day.


I was at my school, nothing was happening...then I'm just like "Hey, I'm dreaming." Unfortunately, I got too excited and lost the dream.


Anyway, Rhett, what do you do in your lucid dreams?

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I had two dreams with the past 3-5 months :eek:.


1. I was in a desert area with a runned down house with bricks and I think something or someone had to be guarded and a few enemy soldiers came, but they did nothing, so I guess you can say they were shot and boom!!! An artillary or something hit and I was the only one of my group to be left behind with a broken back and that was it. I feel like there is some stuff missing, so I don't know what to think of it.


2. I was walking on a mountain top with snow and had no coat as if I was immune to it and I come up on a ledge and see my sister on a poll and jump to get her and wake up all of a sudden :eek:.

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Sometimes a just ponder things, but that gets old so usually I put myself in a movie, fly around, do things that would normally kill me (is it just me or is that just disturbed? :D), or just create my own adventures....but after a while bad things start to happen, and my dreams quickly turn into lucid nightmares. :o



If you've ever had one of those, you'd know why I'm scared of doing it. :(

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Well, I've certainly had more than my fair share of this stuff. For one thing, I have this kinda sleeping disorder where I'm about to go to sleep, and suddenly I'm awake, but paralyzed. I can only move a little of my body. I have to wiggle and wiggle and wiggle until I wiggle myself awake. Its really hard to do. If I give in and don't keep trying to move for just a second, I have to start all over again. If I stop moving totally, then I'll usually start dreaming, and then have a really wierd/scary dream. Then I think the last time I had it, I kinda started hallucinating. It felt like I was levitating towards the roof, and the wind was so wild it was about to blow the window in. Of course, there was no wind.


And I dream more than anybody I know, or rather, I remember my dreams more than anyone I know. I write down my dreams in a 3-ring binder, along with who I know that was in them. I've had one guy in there like 18 times.


The Matrix-like dreams are awesome. Flying is always cool. I used to have a hard time doing that, but now I have more control over my mind, and its easier to manipulate. I like it when I have control over what I can do, but not so much control that I have to run EVERYTHING. That's boring. Most of the time I don't realize that I'm in a dream, which usually leads to me having superpowers, but when I do, its awesome.

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There's one thing that really annoys me, and that is when I'm having a great dream and then suddenly I wake up for no particular reason. It seems to be happening a lot recently. It's like my mind has decided that having great dreams is bad for my health so he wakes me up every time I have one, even if it's in the middle of the night! :(

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